In Moscow the performance "Jesus Christ — the Superstar" played the 1000th time

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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This year one of performances long-livers of Moscow "Jesus Christ - the superstar" celebrated at once some anniversaries. At first statement of capital Theatre of a name of the Moscow Council celebrated the 25 anniversary of scenic life, and the 1000th performance was played now. to

As are told by the art director of theater Paweê Chomsky, for the first time he saw the musical Jesus Christ Superstar of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice in 1972 on the Broadway, and this performance made on it great impression. Then also there was a dream - to put this rock opera in Moscow. The idea managed to be carried out only in 1990.

- That I can tell p after quarter of the century from the date of a premiere? Some generations of performers and the audience were during this time replaced. Actors still love performance, we carefully keep it and lived already up to the 1000th representation! - Paweê Chomsky noted and hoped that "this performance will live as Webber is already classics, and it - is eternal, also as the biblical scene is eternal..." .

For the sake of such unusual round date the theater decided on the real adventure.

In statement on each role occupied some actors that allows to show performance several times a month with different structures of actors. Each performer brings not only in the role, but also in performance as a whole something special and therefore each structure is in own way unique.

For participation in anniversary representation invited all performers of all roles in performance. Different actors replaced each other from a scene to a scene, sometimes doing it is so imperceptible that it seemed as if actors step on the stage in such structure all the time. Experiment was successful: performance turned out integral, and at the same time the public could estimate actor's game and voices of all performers. In spite of the fact that each actor has giving of a role, the vision of performance and the timbre of a voice, anniversary statement looked very harmonious. Audience saw the actors playing in performance since its "basis", - Valeria Anokhina (Jesus from Nazareth), Valeria Yaremenko (Judas Iscariot), Irina Klimova (Mary Magdalene), Vyacheslav Butenko (Kayaf), Leonid Senchenko (Anna), Aleksandra Bobrovskogo (Pontius Pilate), Valeria Storozhika (Pontius Pilate), and also those who was entered into a cast later - Evgeny Valts (Jesus from Nazareth), Ekaterina Guseva (Mary Magdalene), to Anastasius Makeev (Mary Magdalene), Andrey Bogdanov (Judas Iscariot), Andrey Mezhulis (Savl) and many others.

Practically after each sung aria of halls literally blew up an applause, shouts "Bravo were constantly audible!" . Anniversary statement took place at the full notice, and on bows the audience gave a standing ovation to all actors who have taken part in the 1000th representation. Admirers of performance distributed to people sitting in a hall small posters with inscriptions of "IHS 1000" and asked to lift them at the end.

After performance actors thanked all people involved in statement, and the audience who come 25 years to performance.

- the Most important in this performance is, of course, you, - the performer of a role of Judas Valery Yaremenko told on behalf of actors, addressing to the audience. - Thank you that you are!

Irina Klimova
Last position: Actress, singer (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Butenko
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Catherina Guseva
Last position: Actress, singer
Valery Yaremenko
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Alexander Alekseevich Bobrovsky
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")