Damage in 7 billion rubles. In Minsk judge the ex-director "Tsmokov"

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on December 16 in court of Moskovsky district process in the matter of the former general director of Tsmoki-Minsk basketball club began a. Konstantin Shereverya is accused that appropriated club money, unreasonably raised the salary and organized at the expense of club a smart banquet in honor of the anniversary.

More than four hours the prosecutor read to charge, but did not manage to list all episodes. If Shereveri's fault is proved, to him threatens till 12 years of imprisonment.

In Soviet period Konstantin Shereverya was the known basketball player. In the 1970-80th years played for the Minsk RTI club which acted in the highest league of the USSR championship. Shereverya stood at the origins of creation of Minsk-2006 basketball club which was renamed into "Tsmoki-Minsk" later, worked there nearly ten years.

on April 14, 2014 the club management unexpectedly declared that Shereverya wrote the letter of resignation on a state of health in connection with achievement of a retirement age. In two weeks before to it 60 years were executed. Colleagues were surprised with such sudden decision.

"That Konstantin Nikolaevich was going to leave, for me in general was surprise", — the director of the center of economic development and sports marketing declared to em "Tsmoki-Minsk" Alexander Kul .
However in the evening of the same day the reason of leaving of Shereveri became known — on April 14 him detained on suspicion in plunder of means in especially large size. Since then, that is year and eight months, Konstin Shereverya is in custody.
To court all comments on Shereveri's business were consolidated by br to that "the consequence will understand". The management of club noted that they should work side by side with pro-trusting, however nobody reported details. Unless the trainer of "Horizon" Anatoly Buyalsky assumed that at the former general director "Tsmokov" appeared temptation as essential investments were made in club from the budget.

"The huge sums so hardly investigation will quickly and simply end appear in business. "Tsmoki" — club which is financed by the Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies, that is all money in it — purely budgetary, — declared Buyalsky to a site by.tribuna.com . — of the Sum are imputed the enormous: billion rubles. It besides that in basketball never was huge money. Though, maybe, therefore as soon as in "Tsmoki" recently enclosed much, at once there was a temptation".

According to the investigators, the actions of Shereverya caused damage to club for the sum over 7 billion rubles.

Zachityvaya charge of court, the prosecutor Roman Bizyuk noted that the former general director of basketball club created the mechanism at which part of the means added for a salary to players and trainers, took away in the pocket.

As soon as the employee received a bank card, Shereverya withdrew it together with a PIN code. In the ATM it withdrew money and transferred to the subordinate only part of the added sum about which they agreed earlier in an oral form. Besides, players and trainers signed the confidential agreement to the contract, however the sum of the contract of Shereverya finished later when the signature of the employee already stood in the document. In fact, the staff of club could not suspect, how many was real them is added money for work.

Part of a salary, by the way, handed over in accounts department. Here the scheme worked even more simply — simply to the worker gave out the smaller sum, and the rest as it is noted in charge, Konstantin Shereverya took away and used at discretion. It concerned a salary both the Belarusian players, and legionaries "Tsmokov".

During the season-2010/2011 investigators counted 25 such episodes, in a season-2011/2012 — 22 more cases, in a season-2012/2013 — 30 and during the season-2013_2014 — not less than nine. The prosecutor did not manage to sound other facts for the first day of a court session.

to understand how the scheme worked, it is possible to look at a salary of one of key players of a men's team of Alexey Lashkevich .
From case papers follows that in 2010 on the eve of a new season the contract was signed with Lashkevich. In conversation with Sherevery the sum of 5,5 thousand dollars a month sounded. Later in the confidential agreement the general director of club wrote down other figure — 6,5 thousand dollars. Lashkevich gave it a bank card, and as a result for a season received on 8 million rubles less than the put. In the next season, judging by the sounded figures in charge, Shereveri's appetites grew — Lashkevich received less already 265 million rubles. Further — it is more. In a season-2012/2013 — 290 million rubles. In 2013-2014 87 million rubles were withheld from a pay of the forward, but also Shereverya this time until the end of a season did not finish.

the Key question why employees gave the cash cards to the general director and four seasons in a row suffered an arbitrariness. The answer to it, probably, witnesses whom will interrogate soon will sound.

From representatives of Committee of inquiry sounded that Shereverya on the stolen money suited a smart banquet on anniversary. During the holiday were present not only colleagues and friends of the general director, but also officials — for example, the Assistant to the President concerning sports Maxim Ryzhenkov .

Guests of solemn evening in honor of Shereveri's 60 anniversary. Photos "Pressbol"

"Wrote that there was an improbable holiday on scope, a magnificent banquet, all this nonsenses, — were told in a break of a court session by the former colleague accused which came to support him on process. — Ya itself was on this anniversary. Celebrated in club. Anything supernatural there was not. Certainly, there arrived Konstantin Nikolaevich's friends, prominent people, but after all and he a significant figure — the known basketball player. There was an ordinary buffet reception, music turns we organized, no invited stars existed".

"Such person worthy judge! — one more former colleague joined conversation. — He after all created base, lifted club. To anybody, except it, it was not necessary. Yes now everything is a hundred times worse, than at is mute (the post of the general director after Shereveri's arrest was held by his former deputy Yury Shakola. — Naviny.by ). And write! Children's school already disorganized! "

On a question, whether really workers gave accused the bank cards, the former colleagues could not answer.

"I had a card, every month everything was received normally, — were told by the former supply manager. — But I a salary small had . Certainly, in charge there is a lot of episodes, but everyone still needs to be proved! "

on December 17 trial in the matter of Konstantin Shereveri will proceed. The prosecutor will sound other episodes of charge for 2013-2014. Also it becomes known, whether the accused admits the guilt.

Aleksey Nikolaevich Lashkevich
Last position: Assistant to the head coach (BQ "Tsmoki-Minsk-2")
Shereverya Konstantin Nikolaevich
Kul Alexander
Buyalsky Anatoly
Bizyuk Roman
BQ "Tsmokі-Mіnsk"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Moskovsky rayon