Why Europe should be careful of Turkey

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The Turkish guard of honor meets the president of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso and the prime minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 2008 © AP Photo, Burhan Ozbilici <= "article-header __ announce">

500 million euros will be allocated with p class from the European Union budget whereas his certain members will have to provide the remained 2,5 billion euro: the contribution size will calculate from each state on the same formula, as the size of a contribution to the European Union budget. It means that it is necessary to pay Germany (534 million euros), Great Britain (410 million euros) and France (386 million) most.

In spite of the fact that the biggest contribution will be made by Germany, the chancellor Angela Merkel, whose readiness to accept nearly one million refugees led to emergence of huge internal political pressure upon it, visited the president Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan) on the eve of elections in Turkey and forced other members of the European Union to issue this agreement finally.
However such countries of the Central and Eastern Europe as Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland, opposed resolutely this idea, having explained it with the unwillingness to do too big rates on participation in affairs of the European Union of the state which is not its part. As the prime minister of Hungary Victor Obran (Viktor Orban) told during the November summit devoted to a problem of migration, "we do not want to sit down at a negotiating table with Turkey because in this case they will decide that they are our last chance of rescue".

it has serious doubts concerning reliability of Turkey, seeking to enter this alliance whereas our western neighbors, most likely, are ready to put aside our European values in attempt to solve a problem of migrants, following Voltaire's known statement: "Where all is a question of money, one belief". Surprisingly, how hypocritical we can be, having endured acts of terrorism and having felt an urgent need to protect our way of life to close eyes to human rights violations in Turkey and to agree on requirements of Ankara to provide it money, knowing that "the desire of Turkey to enter the European Union is dictated generally by the economic reasons, instead of desire to improve quality of democracy and a situation with protection of human rights in the country" as the analyst of Chatham House Fadi Hakura (Fadi Hakura) wrote.

Moreover, in the light of reports on deliveries of the Turkish weapon to dzhikhadist in Syria, published by illegally arrested journalists, and a recent act of aggression in relation to Moscow which tries to fight against the Islamic state after the Parisian acts of terrorism, the situation looks so as if we endure repetition of the scenario of 1855.

Nevertheless, according to Donald Tusk, "we have no other exit", except how to sign the contract with the country, whose historical and cultural roots have no relation to Europe.

Adriel Kasonta — the associate editor of the Central European Journal of International and Security Studies magazine and the chairman of Committee on the international affairs in the oldest conservative analytical center of the United Kingdom of Bow Group.

Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)
Angela Merkel
Main activity:Politician
Donald Tusk
Main activity:Politician
Manuel Barrozu Zhoze
Last position: Head of the international division of Goldman Sachs finance corporation
Obran Victor
Bow Group
Chatham House
Main activity:Science and education