The boxer from Donbass decided to play for Russia

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Stanislav Kashtanov (at the left) against Felix Valera
Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

the Known Ukrainian boxer Stanislav Kashtanov intends to obtain the Russian nationality and to play for our country. The former temporary world champion last year moved from Donetsk to Serpukhov situated near Moscow.

The former "temporary" world champion in the version of the World boxing association (WBA) in weight category to 76,2 kg Stanislav Kashtanov can obtain soon nationality of the Russian Federation. The athlete reported about it TASS . "I obtain nationality, filed documents, and the main red tape already behind. Process passed long ago for a half, itself I wait when obtaining nationality of Russia will happen" — the athlete told.

Chestnuts is the native of Donetsk. At the beginning of 2015 it was declared that on a ring the 31-year-old boxer will represent Russia. "Moved to Russia more than a year ago, we live in Serpukhov. Thanks to the country that accepted. I am happy with everything, at a family the peace sky over the head — this most important. I work and I continue to do favorite thing" — he noted.

Speaking about the purposes, Chestnuts reported that plans to win a title of the world champion again. "I was world champion, from me took away this title. I could not defend it because was compelled to leave because of war. I want to return again this rank" — the athlete told. Last Saturday of Chestnuts won in a rating 10-raundovy duel in Moscow against the representative of Germany Bernard Donfak a knockout in the 8th round. In total on Kashtanov's account of 34 victories (20 — a knockout) and two defeats.
