ONF of Perm Krai returned the independence

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At regional conference of the Perm office of the All-Russian popular front participants voted for an exception of structure of ONF of three people. Two more were excluded in connection with moving on a new residence and with appointment to a new position. To a position of the cochairman of regional office the assistant to the rector of the Perm state scientific research university Elena Shlykova was re-elected.

the Regional staff of the All-Russian popular front in Perm Krai lost three members. Two were excluded in connection with appointment to a new position and moving to a new residence . Also activists voted for an exception of structure of regional office of ONF of three people: Natalya Ermakova, Ekaterina Alimbayeva and Nikolay Blagov.

To a position of the cochairman of regional office of ONF re-elected the assistant to the rector of the Perm state research university Elena Shlykova , transfers TASS . Except it cochairmen unanimously re-elected by Dmitry Sazonov from "the Support of Russia", and also the businessman and the lawyer Gennady Sandarev .

Also chose 11 new activists who worked earlier with regional office as experts. In a regional staff of ONF noted that at "A forum of actions" the consolidated offers on control of performance of May decrees of the president, improvement of quality of life of citizens, and also questions connected with counteraction of corruption and squandering in Perm Krai were developed. All of them were brought together in the uniform document which will be sent to the regional government.

Yermakova Natalia
Blagov Nicholas
Shlykova Helena
Dmitry Sazonov
Political ideology:Social conservatism
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Regionalnoye government
Government Agency