"It is a shame! To me with you not on the way! " Alexander Brechalov arranged cleaning among the Perm activists of All-Russia People's Front

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Alexander Brechalov said goodbye to the "veterans" who have undermined authority of presidential movement by the Photo: Savelli Stephane

Regional conference Perm All-Russia People's Front almost ended with new scandal. To three members of a staff arranged "surprise" — them excluded, without having provided the right for the last word.

it is unexpected the floor again Alexander Brechalov took and declared that to it not on the way with three people: the head "Perm territory" Yermakova Irina, appealed to Alimbaeva Catherina and the general director "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" gas distribution Perm" Blagov Nicholas. The leader of "veterans" accused them of incitement of scandal which came to federal level. Blagov Nicholas All-Russia People's Front remembered the letter with threat not to help and a number of requirements — the address showed to "Gazprom" chapter PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" to Alexey Miller. After that Alexander Brechalov received from Perm "gas worker" other letter — with the instruction that the first was a fake. "You, probably, confused something, especially considering recent speech of the president. Realize the ambitions in other movements or designs" — Alexander Brechalov spoke and suggested to exclude from a regional staff the mentioned three for "undermining authority and discredit of presidential movement". Alimbaeva Catherina wanted to speak, but to her such opportunity did not give: "You already chose a platform — a press conference and ". The hall again actively rustled, but vote quickly took — Alexander Brechalov the majority of members of a staff supported the offer. On it conference came to the end.

Yermakova Irina and Blagov Nicholas with grins on faces hastily left a hall. Alimbaeva Catherina in conversation with the correspondent of Russian information company "URA.Ru" expressed indignation of the events: "You see that occurs! They conduct the activity against the president. For the country? No, against the country! All-Russia People's Front do not allow even to express to members. I will not begin to leave it. It is necessary to ask on reception for Moscow".

during short conversation with journalists Alexander Brechalov several times said

"It is a shame! " concerning behavior of certain "veterans" and the local authorities which have untied the conflict to public men. Also All-Russia People's Front the day before received signals of new attempts of pressure upon certain members of a staff.

"Action took place

at high level, and as a whole work All-Russia People's Front in Perm territory is put very well. Perhaps, a little experience does not suffice to new cochairmen, but over time it will come. We really help simple people. And I do not penetrate into the internal what conflicts and squabbles at all. To give to on presidential movement? Yes same in general it is ridiculous" — the member of the central staff of All-Russia People's Front, the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Trapeznikov Valery shared impressions of conference.

Savelli Stephane Savelli© Russian information company "URA.Ru"