Winter junior Olympic Games of 2016

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The winter junior Olympic Games of 2016 will take place in Lillehammer from February 12 to February 21 next year. Within ten days young athletes will compete from all over the world in fifteen disciplines included in the program of the winter Olympic Games. This time special emphasis will be put on cultural and educational aspects. Innovative approach will concern also the opening ceremony which will take place under the sign of a sustainable development.

In the run-up to the Second winter junior Olympic Games which will take place in Norway from February 12 to February 21, 2016, on December 1 in Greece will be lit Olympic flame at the ceremony organized by National Olympic Committee.

From Greece Olympic flame will go to Norway where there will take place torch relay which will end at the opening ceremony of games in Lillehammer on February 12, 2016. There Her Royal Highness the princess Ingrid Aleksandra will light fire bowl – in the same way as in 1994 the father at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Lillekh 72 made it; to measure.

"Norway is famous for the achievements in winter sports, every year there comes a huge number of tourists to drive on mountain or cross-country skis. We are very glad to be owners of the Winter junior Olympic Games of 2016, and we hope, what this event will attract in Norway still bolsh; e those who loves winter sports", - Per-Arne Tuftin, the director of tourism of Council of tourism of Norway by Visit Norway speaks.

Innovative preparation
At the opening ceremony of games special attention will be paid to innovations in a sustainable development and sports. Already now in the Norwegian province Opplann it is possible to see running and jumping children who thus generate energy by means of which fires will be lit, the sound will be distributed and there will be images on the main arena. All this passes within competition between local schools where pupils protect honor of the Alma Mater. Results of team of each school are registered online in spetsik 2; flax the appendix which helps to transform data to real kilowatts.

the Youthful Olympic Games – a step to sports of the future
in Lillehammer will take part In the Winter youthful Olympic Games of 1100 best young athletes of a planet aged from 15 till 18 years. They will compete for 70 sets of awards in 15 traditional winter distsipl inakh. As the statistics shows, many of them participate then already in the Winter Olympic Games.

In spite of the fact that the Winter youthful Olympic Games is competitions of the young ambitious professionals, the separate attention is paid to development of new sports and extension of the list of the Olympic disciplines.

B at the Winter youthful Olympic Games in <= ""> Innsbruck for the first time in the Olympic history were held 2012 by a href slopestyle competitions, and in 2014 this discipline was already officially included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games. And so occurred more than once. In 2016 among new disciplines in the list there will be races on monobeans and cross-country on cross-country skis (cross-country cross).

Solidarity and the commonwealth are the main principles uniting participants of the Junior Olympic Games for the purpose of attraction of youth in sports. For strengthening of solidarity and cultural unity by one of requirements, imposed to young athletes, their obligatory presence on action for all ten days of carrying out the Winter youthful Olympic Games and participation in the Learn and Share program during which participants will be able to seize new sports and household skills is.