For Klykov planned construction of regional children's hospital

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Planned construction of regional children's hospital for Klykov

the Chairman of Healthcare Committee of Kursk region Olga Novikova reported that department during the next two - expects to begin three years construction of versatile children's regional hospital on Klykov Avenue.

With lifting of level of birth rate in Kursk sharply there was a problem of shortage not only kindergartens, but also specialized medical institutions. Load of policlinics increased many times. For example, if earlier the regional children's clinical hospital on an outpatient basis gave medical help to 30 thousand kids, now - to 97-104 thousand. The most problem are new residential districts where hospitals are not present in principle.

the Chairman of Healthcare Committee of Kursk region Olga Novikova reported p to the 46 TV resource that partially is planned to solve a problem due to construction of new versatile children's regional hospital. It has to take place on Klykov Avenue. The suitable land plot oblzdrav already found.

"Approximately opposite to the Perinatal center. There, in that area there is a site, and the site for this hospital has to be not less than 4-5 hectares. In this case such site exists. Now there is a dense work on modification of the architectural scheme of construction in the city of Kursk, site fixing in regional property for future building of this object", - Olga Novikova told.

the Architectural project of hospital will appear in 2016. Thus will start building medical institution not earlier than 2018. The problem rests against project financing. Money for construction while is not present. At the same time, Ministry of Health approved the demand oblzdrava on assignment under new children's hospital of regional value. In Kursk count that the reserved means will arrive in area within three years.

we Will remind p that in 2016 on Klykov Avenue will open pediatric office of children's city policlinic No. 7. It will occupy the first and socle floors of one of houses - only about 500 square meters. In medical institution six pediatricians and one infectiologist will work. For convenience of parents of kids it is planned to equip a canopy for carriages and to remake an entrance to hospital. For policlinic the area in total will spend more than 22 million for reconstruction of rooms рублей.

Olga Novikova
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