In Zauralye the traffic police fined the city on 600 thousand rubles

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Many municipalities already signed contracts for the maintenance of a road network, so in the 2016th problems with cleaning of streets there will not be. Photo: Tatyana Andreeva/rg Many municipalities already signed contracts for the maintenance of a road network, so in the 2016th problems with cleaning of streets there will not be. Photo : Tatyana Andreeva/rg By a court decision a city administration of Petukhovo has to pay span of 360 thousand rubles of penalties for the unpeeled road and a snow setup. To pay to municipality there is nothing. But, if not to execute a judgment, the bank account of the city hall can be arrested and life in the city is paralyzed.

Generally the regional state traffic inspectorate wrote out penalties at the beginning of a year, but a problem for the city they became just now when the court order from bailiffs arrived: till December 24 it is necessary to transfer the first part of the sum - 120 thousand rubles.

- Not earlier not later, namely now, in the end of the year when the treasury is empty, - the head of administration Petukhovo Evgeny Drozdetsky is distressed. - As ill luck would have it, December was given now with surprises: that snow, rain. The other day there was a terrible ice, and we even could not "salt" the street normally: in our city road fund there were only 23 thousand. That also look new sanctions from traffic police will follow.

Evgeny Drozdetsky considers that state car inspectors managed with the city too severely. It was possible to write out at least a penalty on the official (in this case the sum - from two rubles to three thousand) or to show it within three years: the law allows. And here at once, without the prevention, on the legal entity issued two protocols on 300 thousand rubles everyone. And for payment - immediately.

- At us for all 2015 on the maintenance of municipal roads it was put 890 thousand rubles, from them 600 we had to give on penalties, - the mayor tells. - The benefit through court was succeeded to reduce the second sum with 300 to 60 thousand and to achieve payment payment by installments for three months, but it does not solve a problem. 360 thousand - nevertheless are a lot of. The main thing, I do not know where to take them: this year all means are chosen, and the new budget is not imposed yet. By and large, punished not administration, and all inhabitants.

the Head admitted that at the beginning of a year to clean roads, in fact, there was nobody: did not manage to sign yet the contract with the serving organization for snow cleaning. Now he with grief lists that it was possible to make on these 360 thousand: to update 100 meters of an old worn-out water supply system, or to pour out gruntoshchebny the broken road, or to carry out street lighting near kindergarten "Fontanel" … And still it is possible to build the sports ground. - If to approach strictly, to our police claims too suffice to

p, - Drozdetsky speaks. - For example, near the same kindergarten "Fontanel" there are restrictive signs, but there constantly cars scurry about. Guards of it do not see. Besides, the whole year I fight that cars through the area did not go. To me speak: experts do not suffice that to follow everything. So resolve the personnel issue!


In regional government of traffic police to the correspondent of "RG" explained that the problem of the unsatisfactory maintenance of roads to Petukhovo costs not the first year, especially in the winter. According to standards of the street have to be cleared within four-six hours after snowfall. Besides, it is impossible to leave at the crosswalk and snow shaft that they did not close the carriageway review are closer than five meters from it, and also at intersections and bus stops. However this requirement is not always executed. Non-compliance with one rules leads to violation of others, as occurs in Petukhovo. According to the senior state inspector of office of road supervision UGIBDD UMVD of Russia across the Kurgan region Pavel Ganin, in January-February in the city happened at once three road accidents in which children suffered. According to experts, in all cases violations were promoted by a bad condition of sidewalks and roads.

However, the first protocol was made by p even before road accident, on January 13 when inspectors recorded at six crosswalks huge, over a meter height, snow heaps: rub near the schools, two - on the way to them.

- Unfortunately, after drawing up the act and the protocol the administration did not organize snow export from sidewalks and roadsides of roads though snowfall at this time, according to hydrometeorological center, any more was not. As a result, on January 27 near school at the crosswalk the car brought down the child: the driver did not notice it in time because of a huge snow shaft and when saw, did not manage to brake on the slippery road, - Pavel Ganin explained. - Under the law the maintenance responsibility of a street road network is assigned to local governments therefore the protocol was made on a city administration. The second time a penalty imposed on February 26 - for untimely cleaning of snow.

By the way, according to the state inspector, in the current year for non-compliance with requirements of safety of traffic (article 12. 34 Codes of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences) in the Kurgan region concerning administrations of several areas were made 15 protocols, everyone with a penalty of 300 thousand rubles. However, municipalities appealed against the traffic police resolutions, some managed to reduce the sum considerably. Meanwhile Pavel Ganin considers the sanction very effective: except Petukhovo's administration anybody the second time for similar violation did not earn a large penalty.


of Valery Yakovlev, chairman of the board of "Council of Municipalities of the Kurgan Region" Association, head of the Vargashinsky area:

- In principle, such can happen in each municipality. To prevent similar incidents, it is necessary to work in close contact with law enforcement agencies and to affect anticipation. At the head of a corner there has to be a law. It obliges local government to clean roads, and people does not excite, there is in the budget on it money or not, signed the contract with the contractor or was not in time. When taking the tug don't say "I am powerless". We since the beginning of year had no complaint to the maintenance of a street road network though I know that it costs to the mayor of the settlement and what sparks fly when we cut the budget and we place priorities. At the district for all year only about 500 thousand guaranteed budgetary rubles on the maintenance of roads - it would be inexcusable to let them on penalties. By the way, auction on the maintenance of roads for 2016 is carried out to Vargashakh in October therefore we precisely know who will clean roads in new year and from whom to ask if work is performed badly.

" the Russian newspaper" - Economy of URFO No. 6850