In Sochi the symphony concert will execute Beethoven's works

@Kuban' 24
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In Sochi on a scene of the Hall of organ and chamber music of a name of Alice Debolskaya on December 11 will pass a concert "Beethoven in the XXI century".

In the program of evening will execute work of the German classic to Goethe's tragedy "Egmont" with the original text of 1788 in Russian translation. Will continue a concert the Seventh symphony of the composer.

works Will execute the Sochi symphonic orchestra under control of the chief conductor, the winner of an award of the Government of Russia Oleg Soldatov, the soloist of the Sochi philharmonic hall the Liana Msrlyan and the reader Dmitry Fomenko.

the Concert will take place at 19:00, the press service of administration of Sochi reports.