"Rock journalism" 20 years ago — easy, ironic, forgotten. Exhibition of books, wall newspapers and samizdat about the Ural musicians

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the "I with the Head Dive into a Rock'n'roll" Exhibition was the first, but not to the last, devoted to future anniversary of Sverdlovsk rock club the Photo: Zhabrikov Vladimir © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

the Exhibition "Behind each line — we. The press of Sverdlovsk rock club" opens in library of Belinsky in Yekaterinburg on December 10. In an exposition unique documents from personal archives of old admirers of the Ural fate — Karasyuk Dimitri, Grakhov Nicholas, Baksanov Leonid, Kushnir Alexander, Mishin Vladimir, MOO "SOYUZ KOMPOZITOROV", Fund of musical heritage Sverdlovsk region "Arkhiteka" and Belinki.

At an exhibition can see wall newspapers, self-published and typographical editions and the books devoted to rock life Yekaterinburg of the 1980th years. The exposition by meetings in Belinki's art drawing room — with the author of texts of rock groups of "Sonans", "Track" and "Office" Arkady Zastyrts, Kasimov Anton, the author of the story "Disappeared", the musician, the participant of "The Invisible Beings Looking at Boots" group to which will submit the new book "Malachite Guitars", the devoted music Yekaterinburg the 1990th — will be accompanied the 2000th years.

Exhibition Photo: Zhabrikov Vladimir Will address as

admirers of the Ural fate and Mai Petr, one of founders of Agatha Christie group, the author of the story ""Agatha Christie" — as everything began". Will be both a meeting with the writer and the journalist Matveev Andrey, the first editor of the self-published magazine "Sverdlovsk Rock Review", the author of the book "Live Rock’N’Roll. Apocryphal stories of silent days".

B Yekaterinburg the first edition which was in detail writing about a local rock scene, became an official publication of architectural institute — the wall newspaper "Architect". At an exhibition the remained fragments from releases about a festival on a prize of higher education institution (1981) and the first festival of Sverdlovsk rock club (1986) are presented, and also "The architectural bulletin" Mishin Vladimir began the 1980th. In 1985 there was the first self-published magazine — a fanzine Ural "Eploko's" Beatles clubs. In a year there was first number "Sverdlovsk rock review" — official rock klubovskogo editions. In the 1987th solid and thick "SRO" was replaced by quicker and informal "Maroka".

"Rock music, as well as any other art form, needs own infrastructure. The Soviet rock musicians have beginnings of the 1980th years, there was almost nothing, except talent and devoted admirers. Besides tools and the equipment, did not suffice them also information that occurs in musical life of other cities. The official press about amateur groups did not write. Information vacuum was filled by typewritten magazines with the photos pasted manually, leaving with a circulation of 5-10 copies. They were made multiple copies by readers, reprinting or rephotographing" — organizers of an exhibition tell.

"At a musical samizdat quickly created own style and the language far from norms of official journalism. Authors of reportings, interview and reviews wrote witty and easily, subjecting to cheerful criticism even recognized authorities" — Karasyuk Dimitri, the journalist, the curator of the exhibition who has undertaken hard work of creation of archives of Sverdlovsk rock club remembers.

At an exhibition complete sets of all musical editions Yekaterinburg, including unique, leaving in the single copy are presented to

. Besides, in library it is possible to see all books devoted to Sverdlovsk rock groups which for the last quarter of the century it was gathered much.

Ksenia Fiks© Russian information company "URA.Ru"
Dmitry Karasyuk
Last position: Musical journalist, historiographer, philatelist
Grakhov Nicholas
Baksanov Leonid
Kushnira Alexandra