Sociologists convicted Russians of geography ignorance

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You want to learn the whole world - learn geography. At first - according to the school atlas. Photo: Matt Alexander / TASS you Want to learn the whole world - learn geography. At first - according to the school atlas. Photo : Matt Alexander / TASS Results of a geographical dictation which for the first time passed in Russia this year, become known on December 10. Wrote it about 70 thousand people. Whether will replace Unified State Examination on social science with examination in geography? How bad textbooks get to schools on geography? The first vice-president of the Russian geographical society, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the president of geographical faculty of the Moscow State University Nikolay Kasimov told about this "RG".

Nikolay Sergeyevich for what the dictation was carried out?

Nikolay Kasimov: it is important to b to understand, how well Russians know geography. Questions, except for two-three, were simple. Unfortunately, the Unified State Examination in geography this year was passed by only 20 thousand graduates who go to the universities. These are about 50 geographical faculties, 150 faculties which are connected with ecological education, and some specialties in MGIMO. Though, in my opinion, the geography not less social science is necessary also to future economists.

Perhaps should replace with

social science with geography?

Nikolay Kasimov: cannot be supported Interest to a subject by means of examinations. The Russian geographical society started the book project "Great Russian Travellers in Country Libraries". There is a School Expeditions project. Just the festival of the Russian geographical society came to the end. All these measures can maintain interest to geography at youth.

For whose account carry out expeditions?

Nikolay Kasimov: In the Russian geographical society can get grants from 500 thousand to 2,5 million rubles. Including on the organization of expeditions and travel, ecogeographical education. There are youth grants and grants to young researchers. The sums decent - from 180 thousand to half a million rubles. This year we supported 112 grants. By the way, the grant was given on preparation of the manual for visually impaired "Geography of the Chuvash Republic".

A as to you usual school textbooks of geography?

Nikolay Kasimov: I would divide them into three groups: very bad, average and partially good. Last 10 percent. Each publishing house and each author seek to republish the textbook. And if it, say, the tenth edition which does not change almost, in it can be hundreds mistakes. On geography the facts and figures of five-year prescription are given in some textbooks. I do not speak about estimates which the author gives.

With what points graduates of schools come to geographical faculty? Where then go to work?

Nikolay Kasimov: Point on Unified State Examination at us one of the highest in the Moscow State University among natural faculties: for four examinations not less than 300 points. Competition usually 5 people into place. Graduates of chairs of meteorology and climatology, hydrology of land, biochemistry of landscapes and geography of soils often go to work in Roshydromet.

By the way and why our meteorologists so often are mistaken with a weather forecast?

Nikolay Kasimov: the Most important factor of the good forecast - a large number of hydrometeorological stations. But their number was reduced almost by a third. Especially remained in Siberia, in the northeast a little. Now the network is restored. The main task - obtaining so-called regional information as the general information is received by all world hydrological and meteorological services. The biggest share of probability at forecasts for three days. Probability of the forecast for two weeks - 50 on 50. Everything depends on that, information is how detailed. In Austria, Switzerland, for example, give a weather forecast for each valley.

What specialties of geographical faculty will be most demanded by p in 10 years?

Nikolay Kasimov: I Think, all hydrometeorology, cartography and geoinformatics. Specialists in problems of environment, geography of the social sphere will be necessary. Everything is perspective that is connected with the Arctic. By the way, in the first International Arctic student's forum which will take place in Norway in January, 10 best students of the Russian higher education institutions will participate. At the request of the president we prepare now the National atlas of the Arctic. It will be a spatial, constantly being updated database of the Arctic.

That is I direct the cursor at any iceberg, and on the screen all information on it is highlighted: the size, water depth under it, etc.?

Nikolay Kasimov: Anything. Such databases sharply do not suffice and on all other regions.

Call three most interesting researches which go at geographical faculty of the Moscow State University.

Nikolay Kasimov: We tried to estimate regions and the cities of Russia from the point of view of ecology, medical geography, geography, geochemistry, economic geography. It is research work for those who makes decisions. By the way, the ecology, environment occupy at most 20 percent in the factors influencing health of the population. Large-scale researches are conducted according to natural risks for the population and economy of the coast of the seas of Russia and in the Arctic. Creation of geoinformation systems and thematic cards is important. whether

there is a place on the world map where you would like to visit?

Nikolay Kasimov: In Australia. In 1976 me had to send for year training in Canberra university. Already was retrained from German into English, but refusal came from the Central Committee.

the Known TV host Nikolay Drozdov still gives lectures at geographical faculty of the Moscow State University?

Nikolay Kasimov: Already is not present, but on chair appears regularly. Nikolay Nikolaevich read biogeography, wrote the textbook. Staff of chair of biogeography participates in its broadcasts "In Fauna".

By the way

by data All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center From a school course of geography Russians best of all acquired that on Volga there is a city of Samara (the correct answer was given by 75%), instead of Ryazan, Ufa or Perm. Only 47 percent know that Rio de Janeiro on population is larger than Madrid, Kiev and Warsaw. As much Russians correctly told that Russia has an overland border with Mongolia (instead of with Sweden, Turkmenistan or Iran) and that Western Siberia is allocated with production of natural gas (instead of potash salts, copper ores or bauxites). 45 percent know that production of mountain ore is conducted in Kursk region, instead of in Bryansk, Kalmykia or Chuvashia.

Worst of all our fellow citizens coped with the answer to a question of the highest mountain system of Eurasia: only a third of Russians (32%) specified Tibet (the others chose options "Alps", "Altai", "Caucasus"). 44 percent of concept have no that the capital of Karelia - Petrozavodsk, and 18 percent did not know that Kazan - the capital of Tatarstan.

And you know geography?
  • Call the largest inflow of Volga.
  • Call the largest island belonging to Russia in the Pacific Ocean.
  • In what territory of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation the only people live professing Buddhism in Europe?
  • Call the largest fresh-water lake in the European part of Russia.
  • Arrange mouths of the Russian rivers in the sequence corresponding to the direction from the West on the East: A) Neva; B) Don; C) Pechora; D) Volga.
  • Arrange subjects of the Russian Federation in sequence from the West on the East: A) Kamchatka territory; B) Republic of Adygea; C) Udmurt Republic; D) Altai Republic.
  • In what city M. Yu. Lermontov stopped? "A view from three parties at me wonderful. On the West five-domed Beshtau becomes blue, as "the last cloud of a scattered storm"; Mashuk as the shaggy Persian cap, and closes all this part of a sky rises by the North; to look at the East more cheerfully: below before me... curative keys rustle... ".

From questions of the All-Russian geographical dictation.

"The Russian newspaper" - Federal release No. 6848 (277)