Today in Salekhard awarded yamalets to the 85 anniversary of the district

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Today there took place a ceremony of rewarding of inhabitants of Salekhard and Labytnanog for achievement of good results in professional activity.

More than forty people received awards for long-term honest work and to the 85 anniversary from the date of formation of the district. They were handed over by the vice governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Irina Sokolova.
So, honorary titles "The honored worker of communication of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area" were received by Olga Alexandrova, "The honored worker of transport of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area" Valery Mosiyavich, Alexander Ril and Yury Rozum. The owner of a rank "The honored worker of physical culture and sport of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area" became the national sports coach of children's and youth sports school Grigory Kukhta. Ranks "The honored power engineering specialist of Yamal" awarded Eduard Shmunk.
For merits in financial and economic activity and to district anniversary an honorary title "The honored economist of Yamal" appropriated to the deputy mayor of Salekhard Oksana Tereshkova. For long-term faultless public service and high professionalism the sign "Honoured Worker of Public Authorities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area" handed over to the director of district department of employment of the population Olga Akinina. "The honored builder of Yamal" was entitled the first deputy director of Yamaltransstroy joint-stock company Alexander Kolyada.
For worthy performance of a parental duty, strengthening of family traditions and by Day of mother the medal "Maternal Glory of Yamal" awarded Yavar Mamedovu from Labytnanog and inhabitants of Salekhard Oktyabrina Makarycheva and Lyubov Pervushina. "I understand that could not bring up well children if lived in other region. Thanks to the help of the district, three children graduated, the fourth studies in college. Without care of the government I would achieve one nothing", - Lyubov Pervushina told. to Journalists of OGTRK "Yamal Region" Yulia Nakova and Tatyana Gostyukhina, the correspondent of the city newspaper "Polyarny Krug" Yury Morozov appropriated a rank "The honored worker of culture of Yamal". "Today, receiving an award, I understood that it to some extent recognition of merits of the present and incentive on the future. Our generation always in the forefront had work, then a family and all the rest", - Yury Morozov told.
the Journalist of "Northern publishing house" Nina Parfyonova got a literary award of the governor of Yamal in the nomination "Study of Local Lore, Journalism, Literary Criticism, Popular Scientific Literature". "For the writer is very important assessment of his work. At the beginning of the last century Ivan Shemanovsky wrote that Obdorsk costs on the edge of the earth and further it on hundred versts the hell begins. Maybe then it was so, but for the last tens years inhabitants of our district managed to prove that Yamal is heart and soul of Russia. I am very grateful for that appreciation which our government gives to writers who not only fix events and destinies of the people who have given to Yamal life, but also artly comprehend it, doing convenient for understanding of the future generations", - Nina Parfyonova told to the correspondent of Sever-Press news agency.

Oksana Tereshkova
Last position: Deputy Head of economy and finance (Administration of the municipal entity Salekhard city)
Irina Sokolova
Main activity:Politician
Youri Aleksandrovich Rozum
Last position: Chairman of the board (Fund Yuriya Rozuma)
Olga Akinina
Last position: Director (Employment Department of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district)
Aleksandrova Olga