For the first time almost in 30 years the new president of Burkina Faso is elected

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An election of the president of Burkina Faso was won by the former prime minister of the country Rock Mark Christian Kabore, the National independent election commission reported.

the Head of People's movement for progress (NDP) following the results of the first round of elections which took place in the last Sunday, gained 53,49% of votes, transfers TASS .

Kabore's Main rival - the ex-Minister of Finance and the party leader the Union for progress and change (SPP) of Zefiren Diabre - came to the finish the second (21,65%), and already recognized the defeat.

Present elections are urged to finish the transition period which has begun after resignation in October of the past year under pressure of national protests of the president Blaise Compaoré which stood in the head of state from 1987 to 2014.

In Burkina Faso Kabore is known moderately left, social for democratic views. In the past he was the active supporter of a revolutionary mode of Tom Sankar (1983-1987).

At the age of 27 years Kabore received a post of the director general of the International bank Burkina Faso (1984-1989), and in 1994-1996 was the prime minister.

The transition period in Burkina Faso began fall of last year after falling of a mode of the president Blaise CompaorÑ which ruled the country of 27 years.

New elections had to pass in October, however on September 16 group of the military personnel of the elite republican guard, dissatisfied with actions of the top management of the country, detained the interim president Michel Kafando and members of the government headed by the prime minister Isaak Zida. Kafangdo was released on September 18, Zida – on September 22 .

Release of the prime minister happened after to the capital of Burkina Faso, the city of Ouagadougou, the army entered.