The sister of the known football player of BATE wants to open its house museum in Borisov

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the Scarf with FC "BATE" symbolics, an undershirt at number 42, and the treasured ticket for a match … not in the VIP — a zone, and in the fan sector. Faithfully, without having passed any game, in any weather goes on stadium, elder sister of the halfback of FC "BATE" Maxim Volodko — Natalya goes to other cities and the countries. The correspondent met Natalya Volodko and learned, why the sister of the football player wants to open a house museum of the brother in Borisov.

the Essential age difference (14 years) determined by strong initially a role of the nurse for Maxim in the person of the sister. But very few people know that the merit in Max's formation as football player by right belongs to Natalya, after all it from 7 years carried the brother on trainings in other end of Minsk. (Maxim trained in FC "Smena" which renamed into the FC "Minsk" later, the first trainer — Alexander Kachulin).

A few years ago Natalya moved with a family to Borisov. We sit in kitchen. For the first time I am in the apartment where everything is impregnated with a football subject.

— Me it seems to p, or I in the museum of trophies of Max?

— Yes, something like it. Began with registration of one wall, but, I feel, I will smoothly captivate all apartment.

All walls of a corridor and kitchen from a floor to a ceiling are covered with diplomas, undershirts, medals the Maxim All walls of a corridor and kitchen from a floor to a ceiling covered with diplomas, undershirts, medals the Maxim

of — As in general there was an idea to make the museum of the apartment?

— I this all good took away strong from Maxim as it was stored under a thick dust layer. And when understood that one rack will be insufficiently, decided to make out walls. But now it is the card of my house, in my collection there are unique exhibits, such, for example, as here this towel (on a photo) from the FIFA World Cup of 1974.

— It is quite probable, what shortly the entrance will be under tickets?

- (Laughs) Is not present, precisely not. Doors of my house are open for all who we will gain soccer, supports BATE and is concrete for Maksimka (so tenderly the sister calls the brother). We are simple people, sociable and hospitable.

— the Distinctive feature of all of Volodko — modesty. I so understand, you do not like to advertize, what you are sister Maksima?

— Oh, yes. I try not to draw to myself attention, to me is more comfortable when I in a shadow and Maxim did not fall ill and, I think, will not fall ill with star fever. Its popularity was not reflected in any way in our family — we on former lead a modest life.

— Well, and in general, it is heavy to p to be the sister of a celebrity? How fans react when learn who with them goes by the bus, for example?

— It in general the separate history (smiles) . When a match on departure, and I go with fans by the bus, and on the way we start communicating as soon as learn that I am Maxim Volodko's sister, all at once for some reason decide me to feed.
Once personally for me baked the whole loaf of bread. It was such fragrant and still even hot. Ate with all bus (laughs) . to

Certainly the attention and excessive care, but I only the sister Maksima, instead of Maxim is pleasant to p.

— Tell something interesting about Max. Can any episodes from the childhood.

— We lived on the first floor and when parents was not at home, Maxim distributed to friends the toys through a window. And the iron tank, weighing about 2 kilograms, dumped once from a tree to break. Thus he made a protest against all toys except balls.

Here too the interesting moment in its biography: in parallel with trainings, Max played for school table tennis and volleyball. And, by the way, in its collection of 2 medals for tennis and 2 for volleyball (on a photo) . Maxim was born the athlete, and found itself in soccer.

Being in rent in SKVICHE, it for the first time "broke", and so crutches to it personally were got by Alexey Vergeenko home — at that time the head coach of the youth national team which supported Max.

— In your family all men are connected with soccer who continues Volodko's football family?

— my younger son Arseny (on a photo) — the pupil of borisovsky DYuSSh-2. In my life changed nothing — at first I carried the brother on trainings, and now the son.

Volodko Maxime
Volodko Natalia
Kachulin Alexander
Non-commercial partnership FC "Smena"
Main activity:Culture and sports