Karimov: The large thermal power plant in Uzbekistan will earn by 2017

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Photo of Reinis Inkēns, Saeimas Kanceleja, Flickr

TASHKENT, on November 27. In Uzbekistan the first stage of the Turakurgansky thermal power plant (thermal power plant) plan to put into operation in 2017. The first stage is understood as start of two steam-gas turbines, the power of everyone makes 450 MWt.

"Due to implementation of such grandiose projects we will have opportunity completely to satisfy need for the economy and population electric power not only the Namangan area, but also all Fergana Valley, and on the basis of it to organize new capacities" — transfers Ouse words of the president of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at meeting of the Namangan regional council of People's Deputies.

the President added that by 2020 commissioning of two more turbines of thermal power plant is expected.

In August, 2013 SAC of "Uzbekenergo" started all-construction works on Turakurgansky thermal power plant. The project provides power plant construction with two blocks of steam-gas installations (PGU) on 450 MWt and production 6,8 billion kWh of the electric power a year. Project worth $1,1 billion financing, besides JICA loan, will be carried out at the expense of the credit of Fund of reconstruction and development of Uzbekistan — $300 million and own means of "Uzbekenergo".