The LDPR suggests to cancel again a vehicle tax

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Deputies from LDPR already the third time introduce the bill of cancellation of the vehicle tax imposed since January 1, 2003 in the State Duma. Earlier the Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich hinted that if such initiative will arise, the government will not be against.

deputies from LDPR – Igor Lebedev, Yaroslav Nilov and Alexander Smirnov suggest to Cancel a vehicle tax once again. They once again remind that the vehicle tax is unfair and inefficient. Thus he never managed to be collected entirely, so much, how many it is planned: always it turned out less than a half.

of "That is, someone who has to pay it, actually does not pay. But others pay it twice and even three times. For example, at car sale the tax is raised twice – both from the buyer, and from the seller. As it is estimated by the month. Let's tell, one person sold another the car in July. The seller paid a tax for July. But also the buyer paid a tax for July! For the same car! ", – are noted by Igor Lebedev.

New collecting from heavy trucks only aggravated with h5 a situation. Owners of 12-tonnik are compelled to pay in the same road funds three times – to collecting the vehicle tax increases, but you should not forget also about excises on fuel. That is, if all are compelled to pay twice, owners of heavy trucks – three times.

Deputies also remind that road funds "are spent is not absolutely transparent". It is considered that all postupayemy money invest in road construction. But by and large only paid roads which and have to pay off are constructed. And that part of roads which has to is built at the expense of taxes – actually is not under construction.

of "And if properly to check our transport workers – and at federal level, and on regional – that will "suddenly" be found a lot of "excess" money which the Russian budget" so needs, – are noted by deputies.

By calculations Ldprovtsev, for replenishment of road funds is quite enough excises.

according to Yaroslav Nilov, now a hard time for all Russians. Any factors which raise the price of road haulage – as, for example, petrol price – affect at once consumers. Bad roads, the unreasonable prices of toll highways, chaos with services CMTPL, parking evakuatornaya leapfrog. Car owners exhausted: it is a high time to give ease and to cancel a vehicle tax.

  • About cancellation of a vehicle tax is told long ago, thus doing nothing. Quite recently the Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich lifted again this subject , having hinted that the government is ready to support cancellation of a vehicle tax if such inquiry arrives.
  • In April of this year deputies - "members of the party "Just Russia"" Sergey Mironov and Oleg Nilov prepared the bill about cancellation of a vehicle tax in Russia. In their opinion, it needs to be made since January 1, 2016.
  • Vladimir Putin in 2013 said that supports cancellation of a vehicle tax , but it is opposed by regions which are afraid that because of it receipts regional budgets will be reduced. Since then on cancellation of a tax of the power did not decide.

Arkady Dvorkovich
Last position: President (FIDE)
Igor Lebedev
Last position: Vice-chairman, member of Council (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Yaroslav Nilov
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on work, social policy and affairs of veterans)
Alexander Aleksandrovich Smirnov
Last position: Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Sergei Mikhaylovich Mironov
Last position: Head of fraction (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.