The national payment forum of Russia finished the work
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Participants of 11 discussions and plenary sessions of the Forum became 76 Russian and foreign speakers.

the National payment forum - the main platform of an annual meeting of all participants of the payment industry of Russia Finished work.

over 500 delegates took part In work of the Forum – representatives of profile regulators, payment systems, the credit organizations, the companies of retail trade, the microfinancial organizations, communications operators, nauchnj-research institutes and higher education institutions.


Participants of 11 discussions and plenary sessions of the Forum became 76 Russian and foreign speakers.

the National payment forum of Russia took place thanks to support of leaders of the Russian payment industry - payment systems Visa, MasterCard, Gold Corona, and also the processing center Kartstandart, WebMoney,, FedPay, and thanks to association of efforts of public organizations: National Payment Council associations, Associations of the Russian banks, ROSSVIFT, with support of Russia Association and Association of the companies of retail trade (AKOPT).

of All the Forum collected p on one platform of 16 profile public associations, 40 payment systems and the payment services, over 100 credit organizations, 12 largest companies of retail trade, 15 profile organizations in the field of researches and consulting, 4 higher educational institutions, 32 mass media.

Distinctive line of a forum is focus on a perspective of the payment market as a whole, system, all-industrial questions. So business program of this year began with discussion of impact of digital revolution on transformation of the payment industry which was moderated by Bulad Subanov (BULAD %26 Co). The discussions formulated by participants trends of development of payment services, including a defining role of a context in which payment, on Maria Gracheva's apt expression (to Yandex is made. Money) "moving of payments from special financial environments and services" - set a framework of the subsequent program events of a forum. As Andrey Tarusov (MasterCard) noted in the performance, the cell phone is today a key element of convergence of the physical and virtual world, applies for a role of a new standard form factor instead of habitual plastic cards and provides opportunity to make contactless payments by means of the most different technological decisions. And if, under the influence of digital revolution global payment systems are already ready to provide to participants of the payment market from various industries effective technological cooperation, "seamless" interaction" software, implementation of the concept "with - creations" new products and services" (Paul Makkri, to Visa), and the independent processing centers to become "providers of technologies from payment system to banks" (Maya Glotova, Kartstandart), from the point of view of formation of uniform and "seamless" regulatory and standard space – necessary work only begins.

the Road map on development of a non-cash turn "The national payment initiative" as which initiator of development the National Payment Council Association and work over which it is conducted in cooperation with all profile associations of participants of the market – just acted and acts as the effective mechanism, on the one hand, to coordinate interests of representatives of various industries involved in formation of payment service, on the other hand – for forming of effective communication, both with straight lines, and with indirect regulators. The scope of the movement "On a Way to Non-cash Economy" became the main focus of plenary session of the National payment forum. Total digitalization of communications, growth of use of mobile technologies and payments by cash – two a little compatible realities. As well as why digital nature of non-cash payments is underused? How to use their potential for economy growth? How to make non-cash payments favorable to all participants of rendering payment service? How the role of the companies of retail trade in the payment market changes? What strategy choose communications operators? All these questions were discussed by regulators and leaders of business in a series of the meetings as which moderators acted Anatoly Aksakov (The chairman of the State Duma Committee on economic policy, to innovative development and business), Vladimir Nazarov (the director of Research financial institution of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation), Vugar Isayev (the president of Snow Queen group of companies). Ruslan Ibragimov (MTS), Victor Lukanin (Euroset), Valentin Kuznetsov (Gold Corona), Elman Mekhtiyev (BULLOCK CARTS) and other leaders of the market discussed barriers to increase of a share of non-cash payments and offered approaches to formation of drivers for development.

Alexey Maslov (the chairman of group of users of SWIFT in Russia) acted as the moderator of the plenary session devoted to current trends in development of gross national and cross-border payments. Elie Lasquer (SWIFT) told about the tendencies connected with introduction of the ISO20022 standard and payment systems in real time. Oleg Perestenko (Bank of Russia) in detail told about payment system of Bank of Russia, including about tasks and stages of creation of its perspective platform. About successful experience of development and the approval of standards Tatyana Yakunina (Gazprombank), and Irina Tissen (National settlement depositary) - told about the main directions of development of payment system of NRD.

Within the debatable session as which moderator Tatyana Kirillova (Gazprombank) acted discussed practical aspects of development of infrastructure of gross calculations, and also scope of development of GIS GMP about which Oksana Rud (Federal Treasury) in detail told.

Within discussion of subject of safety of payment services, moderiruyemy Boris Miroshnikov (Kiberplat), lifted extremely wide range by that: from ways, types and volumes of commission by swindlers of operations on plunder of non-cash money of citizens before development of technologies and ways of counteraction of a kiberbprestupnost, need of development of standards in the field of information security, carrying out system work on training of experts in the field of digital criminalistics, transfer to new qualitative level of interaction of participants of the market and law enforcement agencies, and also many other topical issues.

Anna Zelentsova (the strategic coordinator of the project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World bank on financial literacy of the population) carried out the discussion devoted to questions of financial literacy, a financial involvement and financial availability. In the report told about already reached practical results of work of the project, including about successful experience of interaction of programs of the state and the private sector. Nadezhda Prasolova (Bank of Russia) told about projects of Bank of Russia, directed on increase of financial availability, and also about key parameters, characteristics and indicators of financial availability. Galina Ganeeva (MasterCard), Ksenia Sidorova (, Andrey Nesterov (NSPK) dwelt upon how participants of the market build involvement strategy in active using financial services the general population.

One of key subjects of the payment industry – development of institute of identification which essentially defines opportunities, technologies and ways of rendering payment services. Oleg Kachanov (Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation) told about the mechanism of identification operating over a year with ESIA use, about realization of service of carrying out identification with use of information systems of authorities (The Pension fund, Fund of obligatory medical insurance, Federal Tax Service) - through system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, and also about the strategic project connected with release of "electronic passports". Andrey Emelin (NSFR) dwelt upon a course of implementation of the pilot project on interaction of the credit organizations from RPF, and also upon the directions of development of the identification, the most demanded by participants of the market, and Mikhail Fedoseyev (MasterCard) – the moderator of discussion - shared rich international experience of approaches to the organization of identification of payers. Andrey Vylegzhanin (Visa) told p to

about global trends of development ekvariynga, and also about how business models of rendering this service, including due to active development of "payment service facilitators" which aggregate the mass of small and medium-sized enterprises change that allows to expand a network and to provide services to those clients who are not too profitable today in traditional merchant acquiring model. Also within debatable session "Transformation of service of acquiring: the new models, new subjects" as which moderator Svyatoslav Garal (GoSwiff) acted, were discussed the questions connected with key parameters of acquiring as services, determination of its fair price, tendencies of development of infrastructure of reception of new payment tools.

Oleg Skorodumov (Visa) organized the discussion connected with the contents and prospects of application of the blockchain technology in the financial markets. Kevin Johnson (SWIFT) told about the general principles of technology and about what exports are connected with its application, including questions of trust and security of data. Mikhail Myznikov (Bank of Russia) noted that blockchain have a serious prospect being a demanded element of future financial architecture. However there is open a question which demands the most serious discussion: blockchain will allow us to increase efficiency of a financial system, financial operations or it is capable to destroy more likely existing way and to introduce something essentially new? At all technological appeal of idea of the distributed accounting of information processing, it is necessary to pay the closest attention to all accompanying risks, including risks for society. And here it is a question not only of risks of financial losses of weakness, simple citizens who are actively involved in this industry. Problem are risks of loss of trust of the population to non-cash forms of calculation as a result of their personal unpleasant experience with the concrete electronic systems constructed with use of the blockchain technology much more widely. Pyotr Darakhvelidze (WebMoney) told about the concept of the electronic cash money which is based on the blockchain technology.

"The payment industry plays more and more important role in all-economic processes that does to all her representatives even more actual need annually "to synchronize watches", to discuss in what point there is a national payment system and to define the key directions of its development for the next year. According to participants of action, the National payment forum of Russia proved to be as the effective mechanism of the organization of industrial discussion. Therefore summing up last Forum it and the beginning of preparation for the Forum-2016 which we suggest to join everything to whom the destiny of payment branch in Russia is important. ", - Maria Mikhaylova, the Executive director of National Payment Council Association speaks.

Anatoly Aksakov
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Financial market)
Oleg Kachanov
Last position: Deputy minister (MINTSIFRA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Oleg Perestenko
Last position: Associate director of Department of national payment service provider (Bank of Russia)
Elman Oktay oglu Mekhtiev
Last position: President (SRO "NAPKA")
Ruslan Sultanovich Ibragimov
Last position: Board member (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MTS")