To Petersburgers showed "Napoleon's last love"

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The youth theater on Fontanka presented to the prime minister - "Napoleon's last love". The sad comedy as the genre in an aaplet is designated, is put according to Jerzy Gubacha's play "Adjyutantsha of his imperial majesty, or the Corsican". Gubach (1929-2011) - the Czech journalist, the politician, the playwright, the continuity writer, the author of plays "Unripe Raspberry", "Icarus's Falling", "Migratory birds".

as Corsican Josephine Pontiu - the honored actress of Russia Darya Yurgens. Napoleon's role is played by the honored artist of Russia Mikhail Chernyak, "in combination" - the director of performance. As the art director of statement Semyon Spivak, the art director of theater (as actors speak, "molded performance, defined system of coordinates") acted.

1819, Saint Elena's island, last years Napoleon's life, captive of British. In exile, in cold, hunger, dampness, diseases, among rats, without money and servants there lives Bonaparte. His aide-de-camp ran away. Instead of it unexpectedly appears adjyutantsha, "madam general", and actually - the cook from Paris, the widow of the soldier who has died in fight at Waterloo, mother of four children. It overturns life of once great commander humiliated, plunged. Whether the truth, whether fiction, a historical joke …

- this Corsican gives the chance to Napoleon to see itself and world around absolutely in other light, to understand that the value of the person not in a title and the power, greatness and a selectness, and in his soul capable or not capable to empathy and kindness, - note at theater. - The simple woman helps the great emperor to rethink everything lived and to fall in love with life anew.

Josephine's Role - benefit performance. For the big Actress. It played in Moscow - Evgenia Glushenko, Maria Aronova, Inga Oboldina, in St. Petersburg - Hera Ziganshina, Elena Komissarenko, at the Russian theaters - scene stars, characteristic actresses. The Petersburg audience and critics "aged" well remember statement "Adjyutantsha of his Majesty" (1993) Igor Vladimirov at Leningrad Soviet Theatre (then - Open theater), with Vladimir Matveev and Hera Ziganshina.

"Corsican" put in Maly Theatre, Napoleon was played by Valery Barinov. Gennady Hazanov plays some years Napoleon's role in "Anton Chekhov's Theatre" - in performance under the name "Carrot for the Emperor".

with Pyesu Gubacha

at Youth theater on Fontanka added, made deeper. The tragicomedy, Semyon Spivak's favourite genre turned out. As well as "Soriano's Family", and "Our town" … Life after all tragikomichna …

- our performance - the scenic imagination according to the play (I will honestly tell, from the play a little that remained), - Mikhail Chernyak admitted to p. - The play of Gubacha - frankly comedy, from gags where the audience will have a laugh and will disperse. There a little "cardboard" heroes - Napoleon, Josephine, generals. We worked as students - an etyudny method, thought out, dreamed. I have absolutely tremendous partner. In general I like our company: captain Popplton, our remarkable generals, governor of the island. We made not all, in performance we will specify, change something. At our theater it is so accepted: performance - as the child and if the child was born - it should be fed, learned, it is necessary to look after him while it will not get on feet.

Darya Yurgens in this season celebrated the 25 anniversary of work in troupe of Youth theater, in the prime minister "Price" according to Arthur Miller's which has become its first premiere after a 10-year break the play, connected with shootings of the actress (series "Sea Devils" and other movies) played recently. It is occupied in the performances "Medea" and "Shouts from Odessa".

the Direct speech

of Semyon Spivak, the art director of Youth theater on Fontanka:

- Performance about great mother. The woman raised at all times the man. Without woman the man does not start understanding that such life. This my opinion. Our hero (Napoleon) lived in a fool's paradise - as any man. But any force interfered, tests, sad things, parting began. Josephine made everything that could that he lived, breathed, watched at the sky …

It not biographic performance about Napoleon. It is performance about the man living in a fool's paradise, not on the earth. It is performance about all of us because the relations between the man and the woman - eternal, they were, is and will be. Perhaps I offend men, but I consider that the life center - the woman. Women are strong, wise, filled with energy which is given them on family creation, the birth of children and their education. And men - simply adult boys.

Darya Yurgens
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky youth theater")
Helena Komissarenko
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Maria Aronova
Last position: Actress (Theater named after Eugenia Vakhtangova)
Inga Oboldina
Last position: Actress
Era Ziganshina
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema