It is useful to go for work in public transport

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Japanese researchers from the Center of studying of health of Moriguchi (Moriguchi City Health Examination Center) found out that the human health, using public transport on the way for work, is better, than at those who goes to office by car.

of All nearly 6 000 people which middle age made from 49 to 54 years took part in research. All of them provided data on the health, and also how they prefer to reach the duty station.

It appeared p that those who regularly goes by the bus, an electric train or the subway, gain excess weight, than those who reaches work by car 44% less often. The risk of development of diabetes at them was reduced by 34%, and hypertensions – for 27%.

it is surprising, but probability of development of these diseases among the people using public transport, was lower, than among those who went on foot or rode for work a bicycle. Authors assumed that those who went by the bus or an electric train, making changes and moving from the house to a stop and from a stop before work, those who reached office on foot were compelled to go more, than.

However, to researchers yet it was not succeeded to find out, whether really the driving in public transport strengthens health, or more healthy people prefer to use bus and метро.


Taking public transportation instead of driving linked with better health

of Commuting by public transportation is linked to a lower risk of having high blood pressure, diabetes, and overweight than commuting by car or bike.

