Two acts of terrorism with participation of suicide bombers in Nigeria: 50 victims. The world is silent

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Only in one days of the suicide bomber killed 15 people in the city of Kano in the north of Nigeria and 34 persons in the city of Yola in the northeast of the country.

as a result of act of terrorism in the city of Kano were lost 15 and over 100 people suffered. Explosions happened in the radio electronics market. In the city of Yola the suicide bomber also put in action the explosive device near the market: here 34 persons were lost, 80 suffered.

of the Power of Nigeria consider that acts of terrorism were organized by the fighters of the Boko Haram group who have sworn on fidelity of IGIL*.

Is indicative that world mass media not strongly became interested in tens victims of terrorists in the African country, having limited to avaricious news notes.

It once again testifies to policy of double standards of modern mass media: the whole world bows to memory of victims of acts of terrorism in France, but almost does not notice the same tragedies which have become the cruel ordinary for Nigeria, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria.
of 19.11.2015