The musical editor of radio "Europe Plus" entered same-sex marriage in Denmark

@Krym 24
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One more same-sex union on open spaces of the Russian show business became more. By an example of a star of the show Comedy Woman of Evgeny Borodenko , celebrated a wedding with the elect in Copenhagen, the musical editor of popular Russian radio station "Europe Plus" Maxim Kochergin went to Denmark . As SUPER became known, the man decided on a courageous step about two weeks ago. The spouse of the employee "Europe plus" became the known Azerbaijani artist - Dzhemal Akhmedov . From a celebration on social networks friends of couple shared pictures. In photos and video it is possible to see how men speak each other: "yes", - also undersign for documents on marriage. Maxim Kochergin and Dzhemal Akhmedov registered the same-sex union in Denmark

In a secular party of Moscow Maxim Kochergin is known long ago - the man works nearly ten years on "Europe plus", being responsible for selection on air of a musical material. According to Kochergin's numerous friends from show business, it never advertized the sexual preferences, but relatives of the musical editor knew about his relations with men. Of Kochergin's elect - Dzhemala Akhmedova - knows only that he is an artist, working in a water color genre. Akhmedov - the participant of numerous exhibitions.

Maxim Kochergin (at the left) and Dzhemal Akhmedov to

Knows to id also that after registration of marriage of the man preferred not to remain in Denmark where homosexual marriages are allowed since 2012. At present both "spouses" live and work in Russia where, as we know, the same-sex unions officially are not recognized and have no validity.

Source foto:sotsialny

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