Expert: ON on a free code stimulates branch development

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 Photo: Photo : Import substitution in the sphere of information technologies becomes today one of the most discussed subjects. This process is actively supported by government bodies and profile domestic associations. Replacement of foreign software on domestic or as a last resort on the products based on a free code, will allow not only to strengthen the information sovereignty of the country, but also to stimulate branch development.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in 2015 allocated for the help to developers of 3 billion rubles. According to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolay Nikiforov, further this sum can be increased. The program of similar support it is planned to keep within 10 years. The companies will receive means not directly, and through the noncommercial associations (NPO) devoted to development of a certain category of software. Department intends to send demands for allocation of grants from fund only in those cases if they are received from the working groups on development of critical types of software at the ministry. Also the ministry plans to create the register domestic ON and to oblige state structures and the companies with state participation to buy software only from this list.

Opinions of representatives of branch rather developed Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the program of import substitution were shared by p." Expenditure of public funds for replacement of the foreign software in the state organizations on domestic, in my opinion, is not the correct purpose. Having estimated advantages of a high dollar rate, it is necessary to set the purpose of development competitive on a global scale IT branches. For this purpose it is necessary to create all necessary conditions for the companies developers, to support their entry into the foreign markets so that domestic ON it became valid the highest level. Approximately such purpose is correct. In this case state agencies should not get out, proving once again purchase foreign ON because ours "really does not pull". Problem only that the second approach is a task for decade, and now difficult we realize even the budget for one year", - the director general of the Oblakoteka company Maxim Zakharenko considers.

"The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications actively and quickly started working. And, it is necessary to recognize, already achieved the first results: the law prepared by the ministry giving preferences to domestic ON at government purchases is adopted. It is very good, but it is not enough. Such step if there is no integrated approach in development of domestic IT branch, can play "an evil joke". And we will receive "Muscovites" and "Zhiguli", but not on country roads, and on computers of officials. Also we will strongly lag behind world experience and the market, we will become noncompetitive. The IT market global, is so arranged this business initially. If we want to develop domestic ON, it is necessary to aim above - on a gain of clients in the world, and not just at home", - the partner of the AT Consulting company Dmitry Vasilyev considers.

the Commission of the State Duma on development of strategic information systems suggests state agencies to buy instead of proprietary software analogs on the free software (FS). But SPO also has the faults - of it regularly find vulnerabilities, that is existence of an initial code gives safety only potentially, but actually - no." Advantages of such type of products that realization of applied and providing systems on the basis of SPO often is cheaper in comparison with proprietary both in creation, and in operation. The main reason - at a rate of license assignments or their total absence when using software with an open initial code. As a rule, in this case services in development/introduction are paid only, and also technical support, - the area manager of infrastructure decisions of the KROK company Ivan Shumovsky explained. - Transition of state agencies to SPO will create some additional demand for services in development, introduction and technical support which can be rendered by the Russian companies, so, money remains in the country that corresponds to the import substitution concept".

the Deputy director general of Postgres Professional Ivan Panchenko is sure by p that an indispensable component of IT import substitution for Russia is use of a high-quality universal, freely extended product with the open license:" Refusal of foreign components is not made, moreover, the best decisions taking into account all necessary safety requirements, but without isolation from world technological achievements are used. After all sense of creation of import-substituting products - not temporary replacement of the western analogs, and development of own ecosystem, branch which would reproduce itself and improved quality of a product. Thus it is a question rather not of import substitution, and of the Russian competitiveness in the world market within technological independence".

If the Russian developers still can compete to foreign colleagues regarding software development, in the sphere completing full refusal of foreign production soon is impossible." We do not possess the rights for a number of technologies, and the rights for their use in some cases to us do not sell. And it at all question of money. There are examples when Russia was ready to get the rights for a number of technologies and to buy ready factories on production of necessary accessories, but from partners was refused, - the head of Department of marketing of RDTEH Vladimir Sizykh told. to

Now full replacement of import to IT is impossible for p. On creation of products alternative to the western decisions, both software, and iron, a lot of time will leave. Having closed in one country, it is impossible to create that traditionally was born in the competitive environment. It is necessary to begin with the understanding, what options the customer has.

Infografika: Anton Bookbinders / Yulia Voronina/rg "the Russian Business newspaper" No. 1024 (45)
Nikolay Nikiforov
Dmitry Vasilyev
Last position: First Deputy CEO (CJSC "KROK incorporated")
Zakharenko Maxime
Shumovsky Yvan
Panchenko Yvan