In the reserve Republic of Buryatia banded 3 times more birds, than year before

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Staff of Baikal Biosphere Reserve banded nearly 3,5 thousand birds during the season, having found 13 new guests rezervata

Station of a koltsevaniye of birds of the Baikal Biosphere national park finished a seven-months working season with record results. "3449 birds of 113 types are banded. For comparison: last year we banded only 1330 feathery", – the research associate Anisimov Youri reported.

It specified that this year employees of the reserve worked in shifts, providing a continuity of work of ornithological station. Besides, the station started working a month earlier, in April, and by May 319 birds were already banded already.

- All season to us were helped by volunteers. They assumed economic and construction works, repaired lovchy networks. Volunteers from Russian Federation, Finland, Germany and Lithuania, having experience with feathery, bypassed networks and helped to girdle birds, - the interlocutor added.
we Will add br, for this season it is banded 13 new bird species which were not meeting in catching in previous years of work of station. Among them a varakushka, a ring-dove, field lun, gorod Seda the woodpecker, a black crow and others, reports the press service of Department of the Federal Service of the Natural Resources Supervision of the Republic of Buryatia. Among the banded – a korolkovy warbler which weighs almost twice less matchbox.

Long-term catching of birds in one place allow to learn terms of migration of different types of birds on the southern coast of Baikal, to study local population of birds, terms of their nesting and a departure of baby birds from a nest. The analysis of messages on meetings of the banded birds will allow to learn about ways of their migrations, moving, change of number, life expectancy and causes of death.