Matviyenko suggested to create a truthful portal about the Russian policy

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 Photo: Federation Council press service Photo : The Federation Council press service in World Trade Center were started on November 5 by the fifth World congress of compatriots in which delegates from 97 countries take part. The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko made a speech at opening of a forum.

The foreign Russian world has to become a global factor with which would reckon at national and international levels, the head of the upper house is convinced. For this reason the organizations of the Russian compatriots abroad should achieve real influence on the decisions affecting them legitimate rights and interests in the countries of accommodation just as it is done by other national diasporas.

according to Matviyenko, to the Russian compatriots abroad would be not not prevented also by strengthening of ties with the Russian regions guide more than reliable and durable bridges. However, at many subjects stable relations with foreign diasporas already are now created. Efforts on this direction of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan, Bashkiria and Yakutia are so most noticeable. The speaker of the Federation Council reminded that in 2016 holding the First forum of regions of CIS countries is planned. "I call you, our compatriots to take in it the most active part", - she declared.


were Offered by the head of the upper house and to think of creation of the uniform Internet portal which would provide to the mass media writing in Russian, operational and truthful information about domestic and foreign policy of Russia." I consider that it is extremely important in the conditions of that information war which is waged concerning our country", - Matviyenko told.

ravda, it added that now the speech about isolation of Russia does not go any more. According to her, the understanding of in the West becomes stronger what to talk to Moscow language of force and coercion is useless. "It our parliamentary contacts, for example, confirm recent participation of our delegation of the Federation Council in the 133rd assembly of the Inter-parliamentary union in Geneva. During work of this oldest and most authoritative inter-parliamentary structure uniting parliaments more than 160 countries, many initiatives of our country got official support", - the speaker concluded.