Iron ore thanked the Serbian colleagues for a firm position across the Crimea

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Vice speaker of the State Duma Sergey Zheleznyak. Photo: Ilya Pitalev/of RIA Novosoi Vice speaker of the State Duma Sergey Zheleznyak. Photo : Ilya Pitalev/of RIA Novosoi the Vice speaker of the State Duma Sergey Zheleznyak held a meeting with delegation of Democratic party of Serbia headed by the chairman Sanda Rashkovich-Ivich.

during a meeting the Russian parliamentarian emphasized with ul value of development of the bilateral relations of Russia and Serbia and thanked the Serbian colleagues for a firm position concerning the Crimea which was visually shown by the Serbian delegation at peninsula visit. Besides, the deep respect in deputies of the State Duma is caused by an independent position of Serbia which did not support the decision of EU on introduction concerning Russia of sanctions.

according to Iron ore, Moscow is revolted with a note of protest of the Kiev authorities against stay of delegation of the Serbian parliamentarians in the Crimea. "A similar position Kiev proves once again helplessness and instability of the mode, whose policy of destruction of own people in the southeast of Ukraine broke all possible international norms of the right and cannot be policy of the civilized modern state", - the vice speaker noted.

Sergey Zheleznyak is convinced by p that Russia and Serbia need to support broad cooperation, including contacts of the public, youth organizations, patriotic movements to keep the sovereignty, independence and in common to resist to dissociation attempts." It is obvious that between our Slavic people not to break off centuries-old historical cultural, economic relations and friendship on a whim of the political konjyunkturshchik who have got to dependence on the West", - he noted.

the Deputy chairman of the lower house held a meeting and with delegation of the French party "Respublikantsy". "Development of comprehensive communications of Russia with France on the basis of long-term, mutually advantageous conditions remains to one of the priority directions of our foreign policy, despite the problems caused by a sanctions mode, the accepted number of the European countries concerning our country", - the politician at the beginning of a meeting told. Let's remind that the leader of this party is the ex-president of France Nicolas Sarkozy who met today the president of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Ilya Pitalev
Last position: Special press photographer (Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti")
Sergei Zheleznyak
Last position: Chairman of the Supervisory board (ASSOCIATION "NAS")
Санда Рашкович-Ивич
Last position: Vice-president (People's party (Serbia))
Political ideology:National conservatism, Christian democracy, Euroscepticism, military neutrality, anti-atlanticism, conservatism, anti-globalism, liberal conservatism, nationalism.