Resorts Republic of Crimea began cleaning of embankments, without waiting for general plans

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The authorities intend to achieve in court of demolition of a complex the Authorities intend to achieve in court of demolition of the Food complex. Photo : Vinnik Sergei / RG the Crimean cities have no master plans of development, and in municipalities there is no money for their development. But to be reconciled with the ugly architectural forms which have disfigured local embankments, the authorities do not intend.

Garage of the size of a shed

For 23 years of the Ukrainian board chaotic building of the coast came even to industrial and a seaport Kerch. On October 20 her ex-mayor Osadchy Oleg was sentenced to a large penalty for frauds with the earth in interests of his relatives. So business Osadchy Oleg, probably, only top of the huge iceberg which was still hidden from public.

- On the coast sheds, which not boat garages for temporary storage of watercrafts meet for a long time. Together with prosecutor's office we make claims about their demolition, - Pisarev Sergei told chapter City administration Kerch. - There is progress, but there are also problems. And the biggest - absence of the general plan at all cities Republic of Crimea. Without it no land reform will exist.

to Resist to the land lawlessness which has got in inheritance from the former authorities, it would be much simpler in the presence of master plans of development, heads of city administrations unanimously go on. Another thing is that means in local budgets on their development are not present. And therefore the city authorities Kerch to call exact terms of adoption of this fundamental document while are at a loss. Probably, it will be 2016.

A here to a resort Pike perch with development of the general plan are helped by chiefs from Sverdlovsk region - they even allocated the large sum which is not disclosed for these purposes. However, the head of municipal administration assures, the chaos in allocation of the municipal earth came to the end in this corner Republic of Crimea in 2011 when the Pike perch and nearby settlements - the New World, Sea and Cheerful - agreed without master plans any land plot not to allocate. And a year ago they started clearing own forces a seaside strip of unauthorized building.

- We quite well cleared the coastline of "toilets" as at us called self-systems. They are not present more. The coast is free, - the head of administration Sudaka Serov Vladimir speaks. - I do not think that the prosecutor's office will find still any objects under demolition. Because supervising department defined all structures subject to demolition to us.

"Ate" the embankment

Welcome, resort Yalta. Chapter City administration Rostenko Andrey admitted that was shocked with scales of distribution of the municipal earth the former authorities. Even those sites which till present time still look as a bed, squares or children's corners, according to documents someone's building sites.

- In Livadiya there are volleyball and gorodoshny courts on which children play. When I learned that all this territory in rent at legal entities, was shocked. How it is possible? ! - Rostenko Andrey are indignant. - Or to take a green zone near park of sanatorium of the Ministry of Defence.

was difficult even to be suspected that here someone rents the land plot under construction of a multiroom house.

Pine park on Slava's hill where the memorial is established to heroes of Civil war and revolution, divided between ten natural persons under private building. And that the most interesting, at the majority of these people and firms all documents on a land allocation in a full order. As well as at LLC " which in July appeared in the scandal center because of cutting down of trees under phytocenter construction in Gurzuf. Even Yalta changed the embankment to construct there a fast food institution.

- to thrust "piece of glass" - the Food complex, the embankment which existed in an invariable view from the XIX century, actually removed to the second line. Today administration together with the City Council and with support of the public initiated demolition of this structure. I am ready to fight up to the end. The last word remains behind court, - Rostenko Andrey shares plans. - Wanted to carry out full audit of legality of construction on the embankment of Gurzuf. Even without it we prepare in court claims for a beach "Mermaid" in Miskhore. How there it was possible to construct the cafe closing a view of the sea? The same from Simeiz Embankment.


A the earth return!

Full inventory of the earth in Big Yalta was not carried out by b and not planned. Nevertheless Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Crimea under the agreement with municipal administration checks legality of land solutions of last years. How many it will borrow time, the head of administration finds it difficult to tell even. However before adoption of the general plan the city suspended registration of the land plots in property to natural persons. However, in settlements where there are general plans, sites continue to allocate. In case of the most brazen violations, so far as concerns sale or rent of parks, the city has legal proceedings for return of the municipal earth.

- Park zones were sold to p, and at minimum price, even below estimated cost. We withdraw sites in park zones and we return them in municipal property. We go on it even in case the state act of the property right is issued. If it is lease contracts, we initiate their cancellation, - Rostenko Andrey speaks. - We have ahead many trials on such affairs. Situation rather problem, I would tell, frightening.

Nevertheless chapter City administration - the convinced opponent of total cleaning of a 100-meter coastal strip even if violations there are allowed. After all, say, demolition of the high-rise buildings built contrary to the law, will infringe on interests of thousands of conscientious purchasers of real estate. And recreational construction in a seaside strip is not forbidden. Therefore, the mayor is convinced, it is necessary to look for a compromise.

As well as in other seaside cities, in Yalta too precisely do not know when there will be a new master plan of development. On its development in borders from Gurzuf to Foros it is necessary 46 million rubles. If this money is now, the general plan would be ready to the beginning of summer of 2016. The city is counted on the help of the federal budget, but if it does not help, by Yalta will try to dig up resources independently. The city authorities consider even opportunity to return to the old general plan of a sample of 2007 which was cancelled. However this option consider as the most extreme.


City administration Alushta in pursuance of representation of the Simferopol interdistrict nature protection prosecutor's office demolished illegal cafe with the summer platform, placed on the seashore in the village of Malorechensk. The institution in the water preserving zone was built without the issued right of use of the land plot and without project documentation. In total in the villages located in the neighbourhood Fishing and Malorechensky the prosecutor's office counted 12 illegal objects of a public catering. In July of this year in the village Solnechnogorsk on request of prosecutor's office already dismantled seven such structures.

website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" - Economy Republic of Crimea No. 6815
Vladimir Nikolaevich Serov
Main activity:Politician
Vinnik Sergei
Osadchy Oleg
Pisarev Sergei
Rostenko Andrey
City administration
Government Agency