The car brought down the cyclist and disappeared from a scene

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The car brought down the cyclist and disappeared from a scene Foto: Valsts policija Yesterday in the Beverinsky region yet not installed car brought down the cyclist and left from a scene, reported to SUMMER agency in State police. Accident happened on 1 km of Valmiyera-Brenguli-Bikseya Road.

The unidentified driver brought down the cyclist of 1958 rozhd. The victim with injuries is taken to hospital.

B Valksky edge the unidentified driver of a tractor brought down the pedestrian of 1991 rozhd. which with injuries is taken to hospital.

B Yaunpilssky edge, on the 9th km of the road of Yurga-Upeniyeki, the car" Volvo S-60" which the woman of 1991 rozhd operated. moved down from the carriageway in a ditch and turned over. In accident passengers, the girl of 1995 rozhd suffered. and man of 1992 rozhd.

of All registered yesterday 60 road accident with eight victims.