Three most interesting gadgets of James Dyson Award 2015

@Populjarnaja mehanika
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The other day the international short list of known competition of inventions of James Dyson Award was declared. In total in "shorts" 20 inventions got, and we selected three the most interesting from our point of view.

B 2015 edition of "Popular mechanics" took part in work of jury of the Russian stage competition . Unfortunately, in the international short list the Russian works did not take place, but remember: competition annual, and next year you can take in it part, having acted both on national, and at the international level.

So, three most interesting projects of a short list according to the PM version. Sense

a Helmet for firefighters with the return tactile communication thought up p and Ailis Dileyni's Irish from the Dublin institute of technology developed. His idea consists that a helmet of the firefighter is equipped with similarity of an automobile parktronik. When, moving in the conditions of zero visibility, for example, in a smoke, the firefighter goes straight in a wall and risks to face it, the vibromotor notifying on approach of an obstacle joins. Intensity of vibration grows on an approach course to an obstacle.

Smart Soap re-OIL

the Device, directly in kitchen processing used vegetable oil in soap, were developed by Italian Guido Marchezini (certainly, Italians — notable culinary specialists, only and think of kitchen) from the Higher school of design in Florence. In general, saponifikation reaction (or zhirovoska) — is well-known process in chemistry, alkaline hydrolysis of esters of fatty acids with formation of soap. And Marchezini thought up a kitchen gadget, in which used (or, say, spoiled) vegetable oil saponifitsiruyetsya under the influence of reagents.

Express Dive

Express cylinders for divers were thought up by Irish Ketel Redmond from Maverik. The device very simple — in fact, is a hybrid of full-fledged cylinders for diving and system of supply of oxygen in the plane. You do not drag huge cylinders behind the back, and hold one small capacity directly in teeth (resembling the person in a gas mask superficially). Suffices on couple of small heats and for bottom studying quite enough. It is good to have also such express cylinders with itself in the boat — if someone started sinking, it is possible to clamp one in teeth and to jump for a board to rescue the companion without fears for own life.

Invent! to

the Winner of a national stage in Russia. He developed autonomous storage " Solar cold ". Patrushev's fast-built independent refrigerator can become the real panacea for farmers, especially — it is capable to maintain temperature in warm regions from-5 to %2B2 degrees Celsius, using exclusively solar energy, and is suitable for storage of vegetables, fruit and meat.

generally, create and invent!
