"I was tired, I leave". The owners who have refused clubs

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Romanov, Chervichenko and other businessmen who have not managed to drive by football clubs. 0 the Head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov is sure that Anzhi club in burden to the businessman Souleymane Kerimov . We remember the wealthy people tired of soccer.

Alexey Fedorychev ("Dynamo")

In "Dynamo" long ago got used to changes, but even on the general storm background Alexey Fedorychev costs b independently. In 2004 it got football club and straight off declared that will make it the best in the country. Yes not only in the country — "A dynamo becomes almost world brand. Immediately the club began to pursue aggressive transfer policy, having put special emphasis on the Portuguese market. A team with a big pomp passed Maniche's and Costinha , shortly before it won with José Mourinho's the Champions League. The trainer unexpectedly for all delivered to Yvo Wortman's which and in Brazil had ambiguous reputation. All ended quickly and disgracefully. First, Fedorychev was not so rich as wanted to seem. Secondly, it was not given the earth in Petrovsky park, and without it all its expansion was deprived of sense. Star players frankly left number in the field and fast "Dynamo" left. Now Fedorychev claims that was ready to get for club of Ronaldo and Aguero's , but most of all it reminds Ostap Bender's plans for carrying out in Vasyuki the interplanetary chess congress.

Andrey Chervichenko ("Spartak", "Khimki")

It is now difficult to br to imagine br that the businessman of the scale Chervichenko could become the owner of "Spartak", but in 2002 there were absolutely other times and other prices. "Spartak" rolled under feet as the thrown purse — it was necessary to bend down and lift it simply. Chervichenko managed to make it most quicker and received in the order a powerful asset. So in "dashing the 90th" it was possible to get huge plant for nothing. The period of presidency of Chervichenko was accompanied by continuous scandals, but Andrey Vladimirovich left history without any losses. In 2004 he with benefit sold the equity stake to "Lukoil". Soon the impetuous character Chervichenko brought it into football club "Khimki", however the club did not manage to leave in the Premier league, and the president to soccer grew cold. More precisely, to soccer as to business because from Chervichenko's public sphere did not disappear. Some time he was the constant expert of the Heading program, acting as the scandalous and politically incorrect commentator.

Vladimir Romanov ("Harts", "Ukio")

To the football world brings the most different people, but Vladimir Romanov — it at all who, it that. The whole phenomenon in life of Lithuania and Scotland. In 2005 Romanov got a controlling stake of "Harts", having met million debts of club from Edinburgh. First fans were ready to carry it on hands, but it was the illustration to a saying "you me do not know, but you still recognize me". Romanov read to players verses of own composition impregnated with sea romanticism (the businessman graduated from naval school). Romanov flooded team with the Lithuanian football players and actively interfered with training process. Such mysterious "experts" entered "Harts's" staff, as "the person in a pajamas" and the therapist whom called simply Rome. Everything ended sadly both for "Harts", and for Romanov. The club was up to the ears again in debt and took off from the Scottish Premier league, and Romanov put on the international wanted list — Lithuania intended to investigate bankruptcy of the Ukio bank belonging to the businessman. In April, 2014 Romanov was arrested in Moscow, but soon is set free. Russia refused to give out it to Lithuania as earlier Romanov was granted a shelter. Right after an exit from under guards Vladimir Romanov got to hospital — it has very serious problems with health.

Alexander Gaydamak ("Portsmouth")

Quite characteristic example — the son of the richest magnate buys football club and cannot cope with it. In 2006 Alexander Gaydamak became the co-owner of "Portsmouth" — not the best-known, but very reputable English club. Its investments allowed the trainer Harry Rednapp to collect powerful structure which in 2008 won the Cup of England. Then the team was supported as by Peter Crouch, Lassana Diarra, Dzhermen Defoe, Glen Johnson … But as it often happens, Gaydamak overestimated own resources. The salary sheet inflated to a disgrace, and Gaydamak could not finance club in former volume any more. Star players it was necessary to sell, and Gaydamak conceded the equity stake to the Dubai businessman Souleymane of al to Fakhim . As they say, without knowing the ford, do not get into the water. Subsequently it became clear that during the board Gaydamak got rid of 14 antiquarian chairs which were made in due time by request of the British ship HMS Warrior. On these chairs upholstered with a blue velvet, sat Winston Churchill and the field marshal Bernard Montgommeri , but Gaydamak ordered to expose simply them outside — the furniture did not fit into new design

Andrey Zingarevich ("Reading")

Zingarevich got "Reading" in 2012, but, as well as Gaydamak, did not manage to drive. The businessman hoped to remove club in a nuclear submarine, and under the solution of this task allocated considerable funds. Zingarevich very much wanted to invite to "Reading" Andrey Arshavin , but the former football player of "Arsenal" preferred to return to "Zenith". Pavel Pogrebnyak
, acting in England with 2012 till summer of 2015 became the Russian in "Reading" . If the club left in the highest division, Zingarevich's strategy could and work, but in Chempioship the income from television much less. The club got to debts, having got into a minus on 36 million pounds. As a result Zingarevich had to offer the actions for sale for the symbolical sum of 1 pound.

Mikhail Prokhorov, Vladimir Potanin (FC "Moscow")

Long-term business partner some time owned football club "Moscow" but as it often happens, their interest had exclusively mercantile character. Through soccer Prokhorov and Potanin intended to take control of stadium on Vostochnaya Street and the earth round it. It is clear that it would be the most valuable asset, but without stadium the Moscow club did not represent a great interest. Meanwhile, it developed quite dynamically — at Leonid Slutsky the team showed to b good soccer, and the director of development Maxim Motin a lot of things did for involvement of fans. It is possible to remember, for example, the stock "Bring Mother on Soccer". Prokhorov first, it seems, was going to keep club at himself, but subsequently changed the mind.
"It. Five years without FC "Moscow"
the Source: "Championship"
Leonid Slutsky
Main activity:Official
Ramazan Abdulatipov
Last position: Special representative (Permanent mission of the Russian Federation at Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Pavel Pogrebnyak
Main activity:Athlete
Vladimir Potanin
Last position: President, chairman of the board (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MMC "NORILSK NICKEL")
PJSC Lukoil
Main activity:Mining
Football club "of the Khimki city"
FC "Moscow city"
Football club "Moscow city"