Aphrodites with a tag and a whistle. 10 most sexual girls judges

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Hrisula Kurobiliya will work as h1 at a Russian national team match. Than female arbitrators in soccer is more increasing, and beauties some of them simply. 0 Female judges began to allow to work with men's teams practically since the beginning of the XXI century – at first as lateral arbitrators at the games of doublers and the lowest leagues, then in elite divisions, in Euro cups and at the games of the national teams. Now women appoint also chief judges of man's matches. The shape of girls arbitrators changed also. If the senior generation is generally severe Frauen aged, it is a lot of years given to soccer, now the glory and popularity in the judge are followed by the real beauties and even simply models. Italy and Brazil are especially rich in them.

Hrisul Kurobiliya's

(Greece, 38 years)

Hrisula – one of the most skilled female judges, works at the top level and thus got used to watch itself, with pleasure poses the Greek photographer, however, not in bikini – considers the profession too serious to stir it with a model role. Hrisula went through the mill in soccer. There were in her judicial career and discharges because of mistakes, and dismantlings with fans (in 2012 "Arys's" fans showered it with various subjects and put a trauma). But the main thing is Hrisula's work at the international level. In last season it worked at several matches of League of Europe (for example, at the final game 1/16 between "Torino" and "Atletik"). And in the current season in Kurobiliya's asset matches of "Malmyo" – "Red Bull Salzburg" in the Champions League and "Legiya" – "Napoli" in League of Europe. Now followed also appointment to a Russian national team match in Moldova – to http://www.championat.com/football/_euro/article-232137-zhenshhina-sudja-budet-rabotat-na-matche-sbornoj-rossii-po-futbolu.html.
Photo: topontiki.gr

Bibiana Shtaynkhaus (Germany, 36 years)

Only from female arbitrators of the top level, differing feminity and appeal. Shtaynkhaus at all model, but with charm at it everything is all right. As well as with charisma – by the main profession it the police officer and admitted more than once what exactly helps it to maintain a work stress with 22 men in the field. Episode of a match of "Geert" — "Aachen" in which the defender of Berliners Peter Nimeier accidentally spent Bibiane up to a breast, and it reacted an ironic smile, became a hit Youtube
. Shtaynkhaus worked at the most different level – judged a cup-final of Germany, the Olympic Games in London.
Photo: Reuters
Klaudia Romani's

(Italy, 33 years)

the Former model Claudia Romani can become the first female arbitrator in the history of the Italian soccer, working at Series A matches.
last year she passed all necessary examinations and completely meets the requirements necessary for service of matches of an elite division. It is now puzzled with receiving experience in the lowest leagues to achieve appointment in a Series A. Such change of a profession is very remarkable, after all Romani was successful and popular model. By the way, the fan of "Milan" and to judge meetings rossoneri as honestly admits, is not ready.
Photo: Facebook
Photo: Instagram

Elena Tambini (Italy, 26 years)

In Italy Romani is far not the pioneer. Elena Tambini is younger, but experience of judicial work at her 10 times more – it worked some years at matches of regional leagues, but became famous, of course, thanks to bright appearance and emergence with a tag and a whistle on pages of newspapers and magazines. As a result Elena received the offer to become the sports TV host because of what declared withdrawal from referee team few weeks ago.
Photo: Twitter
Tatiane Sakilotti's

(Brazil, 29 years)

the Brazilian assistant to the chief arbitrator Tatiane Sakilotti, despite fragile pretty appearance, is able to stand for itself. What Preta" and "São Paulo", become the Internet hit . The halfback Bira Bira, dissatisfied with that did not earn even a miss in a disputable episode, allowed himself a rough physiological curse to Sakilotti. That answered with the whole tirade – it seems, be in her hand a frying pan, would not do and without injuries. But joking aside – Tatiane quite successfully works as the assistant at matches of national championships and states.
Photo: Facebook
Photo: Facebook
Alexander Kozhovich/miloyevich's

(Serbia, 29 years)

the Arbitrator of FIFA from Serbia woke up popular after video of its work as the lateral judge on "Zhosanits's" match — "Victory" collected million viewings on Youtube – is so charming and Aleksandra was graceful. Then it still carried a surname Miloyevich, but then married, and now it Kozhovich. Now the girl concentrated on adjustment of a family life and the main work – she is a nurse. Serbians joke as her husband was lucky, and Kozhovich with pleasure remembers how worked at matches of female leagues as the chief arbitrator and man's – the assistant. "Unlike the male judges, I never faced aggression in the address. If I understood that was mistaken, smiled, and incident was settled" — she tells.

Aurélie Beaulieu's

(Switzerland, 24 years)
the Swiss female arbitrator became famous for h4 in the middle of the last year's World Cup, having acted in a frank photoshoot for the local magazine. Pictures called the best in the history of women in soccer. Beaulieu judges matches of regional league of Zurich, and also a female Superleague of Switzerland. But, of course, the attention is drawn by her sexual appearance. "Main problem not football players, and audience. They sometimes shout such that I am ready to remove them from tribunes" — shares problems of Orel. Well, after last year's pictures the degree of emotions of fans in relation to the girl judge only grew.
Photo: Instagram
Photo: Instagram

Nadine Camara Bashtush (Brazil, 33 years)

Till 2007 of Nadine led usual life – work as the stomatologist, parties with friends, on days off campaigns on soccer. One of friends, having highly appreciated understanding the girl of game number one, for fun suggested it to go in arbitrators. Nadine lit up and a joke realized. Having begun with nurseries and junior leagues, in seven years it reached elite divisions of the country and states. In night-clothes Bashtush does not pose, but beautiful photoshoots with a tag loves. And fans willingly go on matches at which it works because know: even if soccer will pump up, in the field will be on whom to look.
Photo: Instagram
. Photo: Instagram

Ana Paula Oliveira (Brazil, 36 years)

One of the first female arbitrators of high level in Brazil. In 2007 became the superstar, having acted for "Playboy", but local federation it annoyed, and to Ania wrote out disqualification for 245 days. It did not finish career, returned to work and safely seized yet one year. Now works mainly at matches of veterans and with pleasure Rivaldo and others is photographed with Ronaldo.
Photo: anapaulaoliveira.com.br

Fernanda Kolombo Uliana (Brazil, 26 years)

the Most sexual female arbitrator if to speak about those who works at rather high level. By 26 years Fernanda passed already all tournament levels and will give odds to many male judges as regards quality of work. From last year as the lateral arbitrator judges matches of the Brazilian series A. Thus Uliana – the beauty with model appearance.
Photo: Instagram
Photo: Instagram
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