Morning of the environment became the cold since March of this year

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Morning of the environment became the cold since March of this year to Foto: stock.xchng On Wednesday morning, on October 7, on the most part of the territory of Latvia air temperature went down to-1.-5 degrees. In the Yaunpiyebalgsky region in Zoseny became cold to-6 degrees.

The last time such air temperature in Latvia this year was observed more than six months ago - in March. The strongest frosts for history of supervision are noted on October 7, 1998 when became cold to-7,5 degrees.

On Wednesday to-5 degrees air temperature fell in Sigulda's regions, Tsesisa and Daugavpils . Temperature did not fall lower than zero in places in Kurzem, to Zemgale at the Gulf of Riga, and also in Jürmala and some districts of Riga. Was warmest on the Splitting and in Mersragsa - near %2B6 than degrees.

Air temperature in Riga made p-1. %2B1 degree, in the Riga area-1.-4 degree.