Near Tsarnikava the man swimming in the sea was gone

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Near Tsarnikava was gone the man swimming in the sea Foto: On Monday, October 5, by the sea was gone in the Tsarnikavsky region the man, the State Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) informs.

On Monday, approximately at 20:30 rescuers received the message that near Liyel Street the man came into the sea, and then was gone. It happened approximately for an hour before in GPSS the disturbing call arrived. On the bank of near water the clothes of the man were found.

of GPSS began search works in which cynologists and the Coordination sea search and rescue center participated. Searches were conducted not only in the sea, but also in dunes and in the wood at the sea coast. The gone man did not manage to be found.


of V GPSS report that continuation of search works on Tuesday depends on State police actions.