Joachim Rodriguez was traumatized and will not act on "Tura Lombardy"

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the Leader of the Katyusha team on "Tura Lombardy" Joachim Rodriguez will not be able to come for start of the last race World Tura during a season e. Rodriguez, the winner "Tura Lombardy" in 2012 and 2013, injured the right knee during training on Friday, October 2. A knee pain does not allow the racer of "Katyusha" to act in Lombardy.

"Yesterday in the morning, before departure to Italy, I carried out final training behind the motorcycle. At the moment when I lagged behind the motorcycle, I did not notice a rack of a road sign and hooked on it the right knee. I did not fall, but right there felt severe pain. Fortunately, I was near the house, and could reach back by bicycle. In the evening after I arrived to Italy, I started feeling that pain amplifies. My knee swelled up. Even it became difficult to go. Condition of a knee such that it is possible to forget about race. I am very upset because I had a huge motivation to be overcome for a victory in this race" — Joachim Rodriguez told.

the First inspection performed by doctors of the Katyusha team, revealed a big hematoma in the right knee. Upon return home to Spain, Rodriguez will pass profound medical examination to exclude ruptures of sheaves, hryashchevy fabrics or a change. Joachim Rodriguez will come back home today in the second half of day.

"It is very sad news both to Joachim, and to team. After "Vuelta of Spain" where he finished the second, Joachim trained and prepared all the time to "Tura Lombardy", his last big purpose in a season. Its performance in Lombardy was very important point and for the Katyusha team which continues to fight for the first place in the World command rating. Yes, we in structure have Danijel Moreno and Ilnur Zakarin, we will do everything possible to gather as much as possible points, but, of course, to us will not have very much Joachim" — the executive sports director of "Katyusha" José Azevedo told. Iacopo Gvargneri's

"Katyusha" on "Tura Lombardy" will replace Joachim Rodriguez in a line-up.