Seven Russian couples will take part in the first circle of ChE on table tennis

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© RIA Novosti news agency. Alexander Kryazhev
MOSCOW, 2 Oct - R-sports. Seven Russian couples overcame qualification and will play in the first circle on the table tennis European championship which takes place in Yekaterinburg.

Qualification there did not pass the Russian duet - Vildan Gadiyev / Vyacheslav Burov. Thus in the first circle of tournament from Russia Alexey Liventsov / Mikhail Paykov, Alexander Shibayev / Kirill Skachkov, Fedor Kuzmin / Grigory Vlasov, Ekaterina Gusev/Yulia Prokhorova, Olga Baranova / Anna Blazhko, Yana Noskova / Anna Tikhomirova and Maria Dolgikh / Polina Mikhaylova will play.

In female competitions in the second circle two Russians broke through: Polina Mikhaylova won against the Frenchwoman Audret Zarif - 4-0, and Maria Dolgikh inflicted defeat Hang Matielowa from the Czech Republic - 4-2.

In the second round at men broke through three Russians: Alexey Liventsov got the best of Slovene Darko Yorgich - 4-2, Kirill Skachkov won against Englishman Samuel Walker - 4-0, and Alexander Shibayev overcame Croat Zoran Primorats - 4-0.