15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines

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Philippines — group from more, than seven thousand islands located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. It is final point for many fans to combine annual rest and the real adventures with Asian exotic and low cost. This country offers everything for comfortable rest: falls, lagoons, mysterious caves and beaches. However, look.
15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines the Lake Kaiyanggang — one of the main sights of the island of Corona. The bay with crystal-clear, fantastically green water is at small height: after ten-minute lifting anybody will not be able to refuse bathing here.

15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines Gore Mayon located on the island Luzon, the most active active volcano on Philippines. Ideal symmetry of its parties does a volcano by the real gift for the traveler perfectionist. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines the Only escaped tower of a monastery of Franciscans shades natural beauty of the mountain Mayon a little. According to the legend, all other structures were destroyed just during a volcanic eruption, but researchers find this fact disputable. SMI2 News 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines Small, on one and a half thousand inhabitants, the village Batad is located among Ifugao's green rice terraces. To this village there are no wide roads, but difficulties of a campaign here are quite justified by a look which opens from rice fields. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines White Beach and Yapak beach — two most visited places on all Philippines. But, it is well if to look, the coast Borakay can please and more lonely bays. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines to separate to the page"> Majestic falls Tumalog is located title near the city of Oslob, the island of Cebu. It is the nature in the best look: the purest water the cascade breaks from the mossy rocks surrounded with the silent wood. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines the Sea and bird's reserve on the sea Sula, Tubbataha Reef, suggests all divers to plunge into the impressive world of underwater beings. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines One of the most popular excursions — an one-day trip from the coast Borakay to Ariel’s Point where everyone can jump from rocks in the sea, or is simple to survey reeves on kayaks. advert.mirtesen.ru News 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines the Island Busuanga is the largest among the archipelago Kalamian. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines These small big-eyed primacies live, usually, in South East Asia — but specifically this decided to travel a little. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines El Nido — the tiny town on the coast of the island of Palawan. Its surprising beaches are among calcareous and marble rocks, in an environment of peace lagoons. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines the City of Manila is the capital of Philippines. The city is located on the bank of the gulf, on the island of Luzon. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines Ideal example of the Spanish architecture of Manila: the church Malat was constructed in Baroque style and is one of the oldest religious constructions on Philippines. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines the Colourful Aliwan festival passes attachment_id=307715 in Manila every year. Groups of different cultural traditions meet to participate in dancing parade, a beauty contest and swimming competitions. 15 reasons to throw everything and to move to Philippines These mountains of an unusual form — the well-known Chocolate hills. Still none of geologists could not prove the reason of their emergence in accuracy.