In Moscow will pass bicycle race against AIDS

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 Photo: Ekaterina of Chesnokov / RIA Novosti news agency Photo : Ekaterina of Chesnokov / RIA Novosti news agency

"Sports against HIV". Under such motto will take place in the next Saturday bicycle race on Universitetskaya Embankment in the capital. As organizers of action the Russian students of the medical schools who have united in the Russian initiative youth society "AEGIS" act. As the Moscow city center of prevention and fight against AIDS and National virologic association support bicycle race.

according to the head of "AEGIS" Nikolay Lunchenkov, participants of the action will pass by bicycles across Moscow in white t-shirts with red ribbons, reminding in such a way that HIV - a real problem and risk for everyone. According to the chief of department of prevention of HIV infection of the Moscow city center of prevention and fight against AIDS Timur Bessarab, sports has to participate in the global fight, urged to stop and turn back HIV/AIDS epidemic.

According to data of official statistics, in Moscow now are lived by 40 751 persons, the infected HIV. The last ten years in the city of growth are not present them, thanks to the program of prevention of distribution of the HIV infection realized by capital health care. Doctors managed and to reduce incidence among young Muscovites to isolated cases.

Nearly an every month this center will organize the preventive educational actions, different seminars in educational institutions. In Moscow monitoring of a situation with HIV infection is organized - more than 4 million researches are carried out every year.

According to data of the opinion poll which has been carried out among 5 thousand Muscovites in 2014, about 12 percent of Muscovites handed over the test for HIV in connection with unprotected sexual contact. Slightly less than a half of respondents declared inspection on HIV within the last year, thus among youth (18-34 years) every third was surveyed on own initiative. Such level of screening exists for a long time: for the last three years on HIV the overwhelming number of Muscovites was surveyed.

Chesnokova Catherina
Lunchenkov Nicholas
Bessarab Timur