Results of elections of deputies of Thought of City district Kostroma city of the Kostroma region the sixth convocation] are publishe

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38 candidates became deputies.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Main activity:Politician
Aleksey Ivaev
Last position: The deputy of the Duma of the city of Kostroma, the member of the commission on economy and finance, the member of the commission on development of municipal economy
Natalia Pashkanova
Last position: Director of MBOU of the city of Kostroma "High comprehensive school No. 1"
Alexander Yushin
Last position: Director general of JSC Alyugassservice
Andrey Aleksandrovich Shilin
Last position: Chief of the Urban area of power networks of 1 category of branch (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY CENTER")