Putshists in Burkina Faso recognized defeat and released the arrested president

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Глава National council of democracy of Burkina Faso Gilbert Diendre under the leadership of whom was is arrested the interim president, the prime minister and members of the government , declared the end of putsch.

"Putsch is ended by p! Also we will not be more about it" — quotes the brigade general Dyendre TASS . He recognized that the incident "was a big mistake and caused death of people." We saw that occurred. And we saw that the people did not approve it. And for this reason we simply receded" — he declared. to

it is obvious to p, views of head of rebels changed from last week when he claimed that the difficult situation in the country became the reason of putsch, and the only way to prevent destabilization – putsch.

"In me the pleasure installs that we could avoid collisions — it important. We always wanted that between brothers on the weapon there were no collisions" — he noted.


added that it is ready to appear before the court and to answer all questions posed.

the Interim president of the country Michel Kafando whom putshists arrested on September 16, returned to work.

of Burkina Faso since 1987 were headed by Blaise Compaoré who has come to the power as a result of revolution. In the fall of 2014 he retired at own will. The temporary management of the country to the elections appointed to fall of 2015, is carried out by Michel Kafando.