The president of Burkina Faso Kafangdo is reinstated after revolution. Mutiny was not successful

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Michel Kafando overthrown last week from a post of the acting president of Burkina Faso, got down again to work at presidential post, reports AFP. As the interim prime minister Isaak Zida, carrying out the general election appointed to October 11 declared, will be postponed for some weeks. we Will remind

, earlier in Burkina Faso the presidential guard stopped cabinet council of ministers and detained ministers and the president Michel Kafando. It is the second at presidential post after the revolution made in 2014 when in Burkina Faso passed mass actions of the opposition protesting against attempts of the president Blaise Compaoré to prolong the 27 years' stay in power. In the country the emergency rule was entered and the government then power in Burkina Faso was seized by the lieutenant colonel Isaak Zida is dismissed.