The actor from series "The Last of Magikyan" is arrested

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Mukhtar Gusengadzhiyev accuse of sexual violence over the child Mukhtar Gusengadzhiyev. Photo from the movie:" Platon: history of one person"

A a kter Mukhtar Gusengadzhiyev is detained by span on charge of corruption of the juvenile. Him took into custody after the statement of mother of the victim. According to the woman, the actor made illegal actions concerning her nine-year-old daughter. However, Gusengadzhiyev's representatives already managed to report that this statement - actually the slander and has no relation to real events. Anyway, in the press service of GU Ministry of Internal Affairs the fact of detention of the actor was podverzhden, however any details to the press yet do not report. At present all materials on business are transferred to Committee of inquiry.

Mukhtar Gusengadzhiyev - the known serial actor. Its the last for today a role - Hamlet in popular series "The Last from Magikyan". Also the actor known for the flexibility, is the leading expert of Federation of yoga of Russia.

Olga Brodzka