Tuva was visited by the head coach of Russian national team on sumo

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visited Tuva the head coach of a national team of the Russian Federation on sumo, the honourable president of federation of sumo of Russia Gennady Kaletkin visited. It was accepted by the chairman of the Supreme Hural (parliament) of RT Caen-ool of Davaa. Sumo coachs of Russian national team Adar Kuular and Caen-Demir Kuular participated in a meeting.

Gennady Kaletkin highly appreciated a stable contribution of the Tuva athletes to general medal "moneybox" of Russian national team on sumo in competitions of different levels. He also especially noted, as now the team of sumoist of Tuva is considered very strong not only in Russia, but also in the world.

— the Federation on sumo of the Russian Federation is very glad to p that in Tuva younger and strong generation of sumoist grows up already. The example of that is your young Baazan Batkar's recent victory in the World Cup in sumo in Japan. Such speed needs to be maintained constantly. I know that the republic very seriously develops mass sports, and it is very healthy — Gennady Ivanovich noted.

the Distinguished guest thanked parliament, his speaker Caen-oola Davaa for continued support of sumoist of the republic. It noted that in the republic much attention is paid to sports development, there were many new sports constructions.

— Such consecutive work us, trainers of different levels, pleases. The main thing — is results at athletes. I think that sporting achievements and victories and will please us further — Gennady Kaletkin summed up.