Putshists in Burkina Faso declared themselves the new power

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Командующий presidential guard in Burkina Faso, the general Gilbert Diendre was declared today by the head of transitional council — the new authority formed rebellious guardsmen . About it it is spoken in the communique published by putshists. Leaders of revolution declared closing of borders and entered a curfew at night, transfers TASS .

Meanwhile, Cheriffe Xi, the speaker of parliament of Burkina Faso — National transitional council, also declared that will fulfill duties of the interim president Michel Kafando who has been earlier arrested by putshists.

the European Union demanded p immediately to release the interim president of Burkina Faso Michel Kafando and the head of a transitional government Isaak Zida, is spoken in the published statement of the EU High Representative for foreign affairs and a security policy Federiki Mogerini. "EU calls for immediate release of detainees and transient continuation" — is spoken in the document. Cheriffe Xi remaining on freedom condemned actions of military, having called them revolution .

Rebellious military declared p discharge from the power of the interim president and the prime minister of the country and formation of new authorities. Besides, promised to hold elections.