Big Drama Theatre celebrated the 90 anniversary of the person and Kirill Lavrov's tanker

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In the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater solemn evening "Lavrov's Planet" in honor of the 90 anniversary since the birth of the national actor of the USSR Kirill Lavrov took place.

At theater on Fontanka Embankment where the actor worked more than 50 years (18 of the last of them - directed it), it was populous. "All the! ", "Familiar all faces!" - that was distributed there, then. The theatrical public, art directors, actors, directors, museum workers, musicians, critics …

Kirill Lavrov died in 2007. Nevertheless, evening in Big Drama Theatre designated "anniversary".

is a holiday, instead of commemoration, - the director of evening Victor Kramer, Georgy Tovstonogov's pupil emphasized. - Kirill Yuryevich among us, and he continues to smile the surprising smile.

the Theatre restored Kirill Lavrov's make-up room. In total on former places, even favourite cologne and shoes in which it rehearsed. Here its drawings, verses, portraits of tovstonogovets, gifts from admirers. The room became the museum.

the Actress of Big Drama Theatre Marina Adashevskaya (in theater arrived in 1944) remembers the first arrival of spouses Lavrov to Leningrad from Kiev:" They were invited in troupe by the art director Konstantin Pavlovich Hokhlov, he too was from Kiev. Wonderful young pair, very charming, sociable, they were included quickly into collective. The most significant - Lavrov arrived on "Muscovite". Anybody at theater in 1955 yet had no own car. To earn on it, they kept two years to a macaroni diet".


To Big Drama Theatre were sent by congratulatory telegrams the president of Russia Vladimir Putin and the former president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev." I recognized Kirill Yuryevich Lavrov earlier, than he me, - wrote Gorbachev. - The strong impression was made by its game. It attracted to itself(himself) surprising sincerity. It seemed that you are familiar for a long time with this person. With it there was a wish to be on friendly terms. It happened so that we and became friends - a little later …"

I at theater, and at cinema Kirill Lavrov, as a rule, played heroes, "the ideal Soviet person". At evening sounded: Lavrov was surrounded always by the most beautiful partners, "fault" to that is his faultless appearance. And still: real man, modest, decent, reliable. Organized direct link with Kiev where there lives the national actress of the USSR Ada Rogovtseva who has played the wife of the hero of Lavrov - the designer of rockets Bashkirtsev in "Fire taming".

B 2009 Alice Friendlich became "God mother" Kirill Lavrov tanker. The actress told: "My godson - the Arctic 300-meter supertanker (anything to itself, huh?! ) makes the work. The real ship worker, same what was what name it bears. Surprising actor. Surprising force, will, power. And thus - the person gentle, kind, sympathetic. And my God - what man's charm, crazy it is possible to go! "

Kirill Lavrov had an impressive list of positions and regalia: the art director of Big Drama Theatre, the national actor of the USSR, Hera of Socialist work, the deputy of the Supreme Councils of the USSR and the Russian Federation, the winner Leninskoy and the State awards, the head of the Leningrad office of the Union of theatrical figures, the honourable citizen of St. Petersburg, the member of the different commissions …

to It wrote p with ul hundreds letters with declarations of love, with requests for the help. Many of them remained. The woman appealed to Kirill Yuryevich about a new bathtub in a big communal flat on Pisarev Street. Helped! In reply the card with recognition came: "We with love call it "Vann Kirillovna". One more call for help:" I cannot borrow on credit 250 rubles on a wedding of the daughter anywhere. Send me, please, Kirill Yuryevich! " Letters from Leningrad residents, blockade survivors remained: "This such happiness - to have phone! And our dream came true thanks to you, Kirill Yuryevich!"

As truly were noticed by the present art director of Big Drama Theatre Andrey Moguchy, "Lavrov was considered by astronauts and seamen, builders and military, politicians and football players".

From time to time directly with ISS there were to direct link with a hall astronauts Sergey Volkov, Oleg Kononenko and Mikhail Korniyenko. 10 years ago astronauts congratulated the favourite actor on the 80 anniversary directly from an orbit, and then Lavrov told that this most expensive congratulation in his life.

Tovstonogovets Georgy Shtil presented to p of the former stars of the Zenith team, champions of the USSR of 1984.

"Us in Soviet period took away on base and that we behaved quietly and cultural, actors of Leningrad came to us and spent with us evenings, - football players shared. - Kirill Lavrov's heroes for us, young then football players, were an example - that such the patriot as it is necessary to love the Homeland …"

- In 1961 approached to me Kirill Yuryevich:" Zhora, I know that you play sports and you have a diploma of the trainer. You play soccer? As though to us to organize team? " And we made two teams:" Lira" - actors, "Hammer" - workers, - shared memoirs Georgy Shtil. - Our first match took place on tours across Ukraine. Lavrov adored soccer, was the captain of our team, the center forward. We played with our fellow countrymen, with Evening Leningrad newspaper team. Won more, than lost. There was a case. In Argentina (there just Argentinians with Maradona won the World Cup) during rest we played with organizers of our tours. And here Kirill Yuryevich force down from feet, and he beats a penalty. Also missed the mark. You do not represent as he cried after a match! Can imagine it crying? We after all lost - 0:1.

- Kirill Yuryevich was the friend of the Russian Museum, - the director of the museum Vladimir Gusev told. - I happened to do a bit of traveling, some flying with it across Russia - when in the 90th mobile exhibitions opened. How he managed at the employment to participate in cultural landings? . Nizhny Novgorod was remembered by an amusing episode. With Kirill Yuryevich it was always easy, simple and cheerful. In the afternoon we went out for a walk in the territory of the Kremlin. Also were convinced, what Lavrov the national actor! There were many weddings, and from each wedding ceremony the groom and the bride directed to it, literally sufficed for a sleeve and begged: "Kirill Yuryevich, well please, for 10 minutes to us! " And we saw how he suffered. It was the person conscientious. Eventually, was given, spoke to us: "Children, release!" "We release you but on condition that we create office on Lavrov's hire at weddings, that is will be the wedding general. And if not the fee, then to eat to us bring".

Andrey Ankudinov was Kirill Lavrov's partner in the movie "Three Percent of Risk". When it beginning career the actor, came to Lavrov's make-up room to the first meeting, the master put on socks, raised the head:

- Well, Andryusha, to what class you go?

- Kirill Yuryevich, generally you in actors accepted me two years ago.

- Yes? Aha, then we will drink in the evening. You run behind vodka? And, no, you will be not given.

"You know p, I am proud of that the national actor of the Soviet Union then ran behind vodka", - Ankudinov burst out laughing.

Lavrov' big family stepped On the stage: children, granddaughter, sister, nieces. The daughter Maria Lavrova, the honored actress of Russia, the actress of Big Drama Theatre, told that in a family the diary of mother of Kirill Yuryevich which she scrupulously kept all pregnancy remained, expecting the birth of the son: "Was born on September 15, 1925, on Tuesday. Weight - 3800, length - 53 cm. Cried before him slapped. Was born under a lucky star! " And later there was such record:" The skull is similar to Vladimir Ilyich".

Made - songs, musical compositions - Alexander Rosenbaum, "Tower quartet", "The Gipsy yard", Tatyana Bulanova, Mikhail Boyarsky, Sergey Migitsko. Kirill Lavrov loved "the old kind jazz" therefore finished evening ensemble of Philharmonic hall of jazz music led by the well-known David Goloschekin.


the Movie center which has Opened recently at Lenfilm studio prepared a retrospective of movies with Kirill Lavrov's participation. All displays - free. In the same place the photo exhibition of the best film images of the national actor of the USSR is presented. On "Lenfilm" the actor acted more than in 30 pictures: "Andreyka", "Long happy life", "Lyubov Yarovaya", "Declaration of love", "Bread - a noun", TV series "The master and Margarita", "Destructive power", "Gangster Petersburg", "Leningrad" and others.

the First leading role at cinema Kirill Lavrov received b on "Lenfilm": played Kostya Lastochkin in the movie "Quarrel in Lukashakh".

In the Museum apartment of actors Samoylov (branch of the Museum of theatrical and musical art) the exhibition which will work till January 17, 2016 opened. Scenic suits, rare audio-and videos, Lavrov's personal belongings are presented: soccerball which to it players of "Zenith" presented, caricatures, the portraits of colleagues made by the actor, the landscapes seen on tours.