In Tuva the month on fight against a cancer came to the end. Actions for early identification of oncological diseases will are continued

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<= onclick "" = "return hs.expand (this)"> 84 for the first time the malignant new growths revealed a case, from which 35,2 percent – at the first and second stages of development of cancer tumors. Such is result of the carried-out month on fight against oncological diseases of the Republican oncological clinic of Tuva.

Detection of incidence at the third stage made 22,5 percent, 8,3 percent of cases of the revealed malignant new growths are qualified as not the stadiruyemy. At 46 people good-quality new growths are revealed.

during a month in Republican oncology dispensary organized Saturday receptions during which 230 people are surveyed. Three cases of malignant new growths are revealed: cancer of a kidney of the first stage and neck of a uterus of the second stage. The quite good result is received after carrying out questioning among 2451 persons. The direction on profound inspection is given out to 132 patients among whom an oncological clinic five people are registered.

during a month on fight against oncological diseases oncologists of Republican oncology dispensary in team with the governor's project "Health Route" visited the regions of Tuva, including in Todzhinsky, Sut-Holsky, Tandynsky kozhuunakh. In Dzun-Hemchiksky to the kozhuyena crew "Health route" worked for participants of a holiday of cattle breeders "Naady" and the large-scale holiday devoted to the 250 anniversary of Daa-kozhuun. Doctors oncologists left also to the village Iyi-Tal of the Ulug-Hemsky area where expanded structure of children's and adult doctors of narrow experts, laboratory assistants and experts of functional diagnostics within the Healthy Village project conducted mass examination of inhabitants of the village. Action, we will remind, it was organized at the request of the Head of the Republic of Tyva Sholbana Kara-oola. to

Work on long-term prospect within a month. The skilled professorial structure carried out master classes on surgeries and seminars where it is very detailed, with demonstration of an illustrative material told how to examine each patient for early identification of oncological pathologies. Sectional seminars with departure to areas were organized by doctors of the Republican oncological clinic. Such seminars were organized in Tes-Hemsky and Mongun-Tayginsky, Barun-Hemchiksky, Ulug-Hemsky areas.

For broad informing of the population on the importance of early identification of cancer tumors Resonkodispanser's group prepared 17 models of booklets with a general circulation of 10000 copies which were widespread among the population with the assistance of staff of medical institutions and volunteers. Active participation in carrying out a month and informing of the population was accepted by republican mass media. During carrying out a month unplanned surveys of 3872 people onkokhirurgy, onkoginekology, the mammologist, the proctologist, the oncologist are organized.

as a whole in eight months of the current year preventive actions captured 98106 people is more senior than 18 years on all territory of the Republic of Tyva. 387 cases of malignant new growths are revealed. Detectability at early stages made 35,2 percent, active detectability – 9,8 percent. Indicator of neglect of diseases made 30,5 percent.

Should be noted

also that profound inspections of the patients who have received the direction on a doobsledovaniye in oncology dispensary, proceed and the adjusted results of a month will be summed up later.

As were certified by the chief physician of oncology dispensary of the republic Aleftina Shivit-ool, actions for early identification of oncological diseases will be continued while the indicator of early detectability of oncological diseases will not be reached the all-Russian level or 50 percent. The task of increase of an onkonastorozhennost, cancer identification is set for medical community at the earliest stages during dispensary and preventive surveys even before emergence of complaints in the patient. Aleftina Shivit-ool reported also about intention to declare soon a month on man's health that though somehow to intensify negotiability of men to doctors who show inexcusable indifference to the health.