The world champion Sergey Shubenkov told how celebrated the victory

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the Well-known Barnaul athlete Sergey Shubenkov returned the small home from competitions. In five mornings the plane with the athlete onboard landed in Barnaul, and already at 12.00 the newly made world champion told journalists about the World Cup, rivals and the emotions.

the Slideshow (1 of 12): World champion Sergey Shubenkov and his trainer Sergey Klevtsov. Photo: Oleg Bogdanov. <= "">

the Right of the first word Shubenkov provided a href to the mentor, Sergey Klevtsov.

Sergey Клевцов,

Несмотря that in the east we had no experience of performances, we conferred with Seregoy and made the decision not to arrive in advance with the purpose to acclimatize because all this empty. Though the federation offered us different options. To champions approach such: do everything as it is convenient when it is convenient. All is desirable not to come after start, and the rest - please. So we arrived under start. Morning running if who looked, took place not very well. there was a feeling that Serega as though in a dream runs. And for the second day everything went normally. Before the final I told: "Serega, here is not present the person whom you would not beat. And it made everything simply excellent. To run out from 13 seconds is something grand master in our business. And as for other competitions, they took place on echoes of health and good mood. Plus of emotions was much that in its family way, of course, permissibly. Therefore when after a WC he told me:" The trainer, pour to me a glass red", I did not object.

After "a glass red" the champion were waited still by competitions in Zurich and DecaNation in France therefore to look at Beijing to the athlete plainly and it was not possible. However, it excites him much less, than impressions of a victory.

Sergey Shubenkov,
the world champion on easy атлетике:

Настроение is a hogwash if not to train properly. If we before the championship did not do all control exercises, anything it would not be. As for morning running - I nevertheless sin for the morning. I am "owl", at me everything turns out better in the evening. We with Sergey Aleksandrovich even checked: I jump in length from a place in the morning - one result, I jump in the evening - 15-20 cm more. And in general everything was cool. This time we competed three days, instead of two that, of course, suited on. For the second day me was ill nothing, did not ache, and after running I even felt that there was a stock of forces. The final ran in the evening, it was quite fresh, and I simply adore it. But here the feeling that ran out from 13 seconds, was not, it and does not happen. By the way, moods to me were added also by a type of rivals in cool Rhum: some black were more white than me! For example, that Oliver will not get to the three, was visible. I look - put on elastic bands, something dotrenirovyvayetsya though the sense in it is not present any. I for the first time saw that it so is nervous. As a result of the seventh.

Despite deafening success for our country, both the trainer, and the athlete treat the rivals seriously and watch closely even recent juniors.

Sergey Клевцов,

Я would call by p three key rivals from those of whom it is worth being afraid. This young Jamaican guy with the mountain of muscles - if him barriers will teach to run, problems to us will be added. Then Frenchman Vilhelm Belasian, plus of Parchment. At Arys Merritt now, we know, kidney transplantation. Frankly speaking, I sometimes think, looking at foreign athletes: at each of them serious sores with whom we compete in general? I already spoke and I continue to say that Serega - the stablest hurdler for the last five years on hits in ratings.

Sergey Shubenkov,
world champion in track and field athletics:

Frankly speaking, I think that Ortega and Oliver will be better ready to Zurich. There was a small disappointment. And the season as a whole cool, a move flew by. Usually by August the fatigue collects, and this time I felt that was not run yet. And at the end of a season 13.20 I too did not run never. Still I go happy terribly, lyblyus I go. I think, and Sergey Aleksandrovich too, though restrains. After the final he told me something it seems: "Well, we will work further!"

In spite of the fact that Sergey Klevtsov looked serious, it was visible that he is madly glad for the pupil. And here mother of the champion of the emotions did not hide.

Natalya Shubenkova,
mother of the champion:

When it ran em and took the second place after Ortega, I remembered that he does not participate in the World Cup. Called Klevtsov, I speak: "I think, you have a real chance, only to Sergey do not speak! " And it to me: "Mikhaelovna, we since April over it work!"

Right after Sergey's victory squall of calls fell upon the champion and the trainer. Sergey Klevtsov personally, not through a reception, was congratulated by the governor, federal officials asked, than to help. Now, according to the trainer, phone calmed down.

Sergey Клевцов,

Сегодня I will call those who promised. The new path is necessary to us. That that is now, wavy, to run quite difficult. The roof proceeds, we already were tired to put buckets. It not whims and not foppery, and need. Simply we train in Barnaul much. Eventually, we do not ask separate stadium, and billions are not necessary to us.

Now Shubenkov - not the Barnaul and even not Russian star, and world. Next day after the triumphal running Sergey decided to have a rest and look at female competitions. On stadium of our champion Chinese attacked, and he had to hide from them in press sector.

Sergey Shubenkov,
world champion in track and field athletics:

Americans though earlier as if did not notice began to greet me even. However, with them always so - while you will not run all over them, you for them anybody. People from related subjects learn. About ours in general there is nothing to speak, in Moscow I simply to pass was not given. But it was most pleasant that many as speak, were sure of my victory, even Colin Jackson, my old idol. "Well it is normal, - told. And for that from you still to wait? "

Aris Merritt
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Shubenkov Sergei Aleksandrovich
Klevtsov Sergei Aleksandrovich
Bogdanov Oleg
Shubenkova Natalia