Mass media: South Korea intends to test the new ballistic missile

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Photo Henmu-2 Rocket: Oleg Kiryanov/RG Henmu-2 Rocket of the Photo: Oleg Kiryanov/RG

South Korea studies plans for carrying out tests of the new ballistic missile with a radius of action up to 800 km.

It means that Seoul practically finished development of the new rocket which will be capable to strike all territory of Democratic People's Republic of Korea from the center of South Korea. Local mass media came to such conclusion, based on the statement of the representative of the Joint Committee of Chiefs of Staffs (JCCS) of Armed forces of the Republic of Korea (OKNSh VS RK) which was made during recently passed hearings in parliament.

we Will remind p to ul that in 2012 of the USA and South Korea signed the agreement according to which Seoul acquired the right to develop ballistic missiles with a radius of action up to 800 km. It was made for "the answer to nuclear missile threat from Pyongyang". In June of last year southerners already tested the rocket with a radius of action up to 500 km.

during hearings which took place during meeting of Committee on parliament defense, the deputy from opposition party Kim Gvan Jin set to the head of department who was present at meeting of development of arms of OKNSh VS RK to the major general Jan Bin Hee the following question: Whether "There is at us a space where we could test ballistic missiles with a radius of action up to 800 km? " The major general Yang gave the following answer:" We study possibility of carrying out starts in the southern direction towards space over Iodo's rock where our zone of an identification of air defense" works. Considering that the main South Korean range where are developed similar rockets, is in the country center on the peninsula Tkhean on the western coast, 800 km are just distance from the range to Iodo.

based on these words, journalists and experts drew a conclusion that time conversation went about full starts, South Korea closely approached to developing own ballistic missiles with a radius of action up to 800 km. Earlier existence of the ballistic missiles "Henmu-2 In" with a radius of action up to 500 km was confirmed officially only. The rockets, capable to hit the targets at distance to 800 km, will allow southerners to keep under a sight all regions of Democratic People's Republic of Korea even in case of an arrangement of launch pads in the depth of the country.

Representatives of the Ministry of Defence urged not to draw hasty conclusions, having emphasized that it was a question "of theoretical opportunity" tests if in them there is a need. At the same time, they did not begin to disprove that the fact that military experts work in the most active way over creation of the ballistic missile with radius up to 800 km. Similar look the weapon will be able as experts consider, considerably to change balance of forces on the peninsula in favor of southerners, having become "the South answer" to nuclear missile threat of the North.