Elections of the Governor of Mari El: whether there will be surprises

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The current electoral company in the republic began with sharp statements of communists, comes to an end — with scandal with participation of the acting the Governor of Mari El which words gave the chance to representatives of the CPRF to appeal to the Supreme court of the region

    The State Emblem of the Republic of Mari El. Illustration: http://mari-el.gov.ru / State Emblem of the Republic of Mari El. Illustration: http://mari-el.gov.ru /
an illustration Election campaign in Mari El is one of the most interesting in 2015 and still can bring surprises. As prerequisites for this purpose serve a high starting anti-rating of the acting the head of the republic Leonid Markelov and its scandalous dialogue with voters, the vice-president of the Russian Association for public relations Evgeny Minchenko .

As earlier reported REGNUM news agencies , on a post of the head of the republic will participate in the upcoming elections five candidates. The candidate from "United Russia" is the acting acting the Governor of Mari El Leonid Markelov who directs the republic since 2001. Let's remind, Markelov came to policy as the member of LDPR, having become at first the deputy of the State Duma from party, then, in 1996, ran for presidency of the republic, however lost to Vyacheslav Kislitsyn . In 2001 Markelov won Kislitsin elections in the second round with result of 58,23% of voices. In October, 2009 he was nominated by United Russia party to the top post of the republic, and on December 29 the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev submitted Markelov's candidate for consideration of republican parliament. Deputies of the State meeting of Mari El approved Markelov's candidate for a period of five years. In January of the current year, with the expiration of powers, Markelov was appointed the acting as the head of the republic. Ivan Kazankov , and the head of regional committee of the Kirov region, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the member of the committee on the regional policy and problems of the North and the Far East Sergey Mamayev, the stranger for the region became p> to

the Candidate from the CPRF. Let's remind, before campaign start communists <= "http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1923979.html" rel = "nofollow" target =" _ blank"> refused to propose a href the candidate for a post of the head of Mari El , considering that at the acting head there is no sense to create illusion of democratic elections. First secretary of the Mari republican office of the Communist Party and director of SPK "Zvenigovsky" Ivan Kazankovzayavlyal: " If Markelova will not be — candidates will be, at it — no. There is no sense to propose the candidature, it will destroy any".

the Regional office of LDPR approved the candidate of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the member of the State Duma Agriculture Committee Kirill Cherkasov, too having nothing in common with Mari El. "Just Russia" is represented by the deputy of Meeting of deputies of Ioshkar Ola Andrey Zabolotskikh . Also the head of regional office applies for a post of the head of the republic "The Russian party of pensioners for justice", the deputy director of JSC Brick Plant — With Yury Kondakov . we Will remind p to

, documents on promotion were filed to the Central Election Commission of the republic by the chairman of regional office "Labor party of Russia" of Vasily Popov , temporarily idle. However necessary number of the signatures testifying to passing of the municipal filter, Popov did not provide. On this basis to the candidate for registration it was refused.

we Will note p that the current election campaign is marked by continuous opposition of communists and acting head — the United Russia party member Markelov. Refusal of communists to propose the local candidate for fight against Markelov ended with promotion of the representative of the CPRF from other region . As earlier reported REGNUM news agency , Markelov strongly objected against such scenario. In his opinion, candidates from other regions, in particular from Moscow, will do political show of elections of the head of the republic. Communists in response to Markelov's statement determined by the candidate for participation in the upcoming elections of "Varangian" from other region — the head of the Kirov regional committee of the CPRF Sergey Mamayev, considering that it is the only alternative from opposition party to the acting head of the republic, in 14 which years of board "a political field in the region not that is burned out — it is asphalted". To Markelov's well-known roller in the village Shimshurga all fight of communists against Markelov consisted of charge of the chairman of meeting of deputies of the Volga area, the representative of "United Russia" Vladimir Karpochev in illegal pre-election campaign.

the video published on the Internet showing work of an educational forum of pedagogical workers of the area was the Cause. Speaking at a forum, Karpochev gives characteristics to all candidates for a post of the head of Mari El, calling Markelov "ours" and suggesting teachers to make the "correct" choice. only the scandal connected with publication of video about opening of the medical assistant's and obstetric point (MAOP) in the village Shimshurga of the Zvenigovsky region of Mari El finally burst in p in

I. At a meeting with inhabitants Markelov, being perplexed from not heartiest welcome, threatens "to turn the same place, as they to it", "to close everything and to leave, and the road to dig out" . Markelov, and earlier the head of the press service of the government of Mari El, explained behavior of the head of the republic with "joke" .


Besides, in conversation with the people of the acting the Governor of Mari El suggested each inhabitant to give on a cow. According to representatives of the CPRF, it is bribery of voters. The regional office decides to appeal to the Supreme court of the republic with the requirement to cancel Markelov's registration. However the court refused to communists and Markelov still is the candidate for a post of the head of Mari El. Meanwhile Sergey Mamayev plans to appeal against the decision of the Supreme Court of Mari El in higher instance — the Supreme Court of Russia.

the Last elections of the Governor of Mari El were held by p 11 years ago — on December 19, 2004. The turnout of voters made 63,86%. Five candidates also applied for a post of the president of the republic. The incumbent president of the region Leonid Markelov gained 56,86%, Mikhail Dolgov , the notary — 18,69%, the director general of branch of Pobeda-1945 charity foundation in Ioshkar Ola, the vice-chairman of board Alexander Korotkov — 10,53%, the acting director State Unitary Enterprise RME Yoshkar-Olinskoye PATP-1 Alexander Zagaynov — 1,16%, Sergey Grigoryev , the chairman of committee on management of municipal property of the Morkinsky area — 1,08%. Indicator voted against all — 9,94%.

: Sand refused to make comments on scandalous video with Markelov's "jokes"

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Markelov's Election for new term "special happiness does not promise to the people"

Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Sergey Mamaev
Last position: First secretary of the Kirov regional office of the CPRF (KIROV CITY OBLASTNOYE BRANCH KPRF)
Kirill Cherkasov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee State Duma on ecology, natural resources and environmental control)
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.