Vuelta. Belgian Bukmans brought out of an artificial coma

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the Bicycle racer Chris Bukmans from the Lotto Soudal team, injured in a big blockage during the 8th stage of the Spanish multi-day race of "Vuelt", is brought from a condition of a medicamentous coma. Earlier it was reported that the 28-year-old Belgian avoided serious injuries of a brain.

Nevertheless, according to doctors, for Bukmans were diagnosed by some fractures of a facial bone, heavy concussion, a fracture of three edges, and also pulmonary bleeding. The athlete continues to be in chamber of intensive therapy, reports TASS . The racer already could talk to the family. According to physicians, recovery of the racer takes place successfully. Soon it will be delivered by plane to Belgium where will continue a course of treatment.

As Vesti.Ru, Bukmans had an accident when drank water from a bottle. The wheel of its bicycle got to a hollow on asphalt therefore the racer fell, and on it flew some more cyclists. Tidzhey Van Garderen and Dan Martin because of traumatized in this incident also descended from race.