On a beach around Kachi the landslide weighing about 45 t descended

@Krym 24
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In Sevastopol on a beach near the settlement Kacha the landslide of 35-45 t descended. Thus nobody suffered, the head of department of ensuring actions of civil protection Igor Vasilyev at today's meeting in city government
"A collapse occurred in a landslide zone. Victims are not present. This reminder to our inhabitants that precautionary signs on beaches "is careful: landslide" stand not for nothing", - Vasilyev told.

According to him, in the territory of Sevastopol more than 100 km of coastal line are a landslide zone." It is natural risk number one in our region. We declare it at federal level because means of the city budget we will not cope with it. While we simply expose warning signs, but vacationers, unfortunately, do not pay attention to them", - Vasilyev noted.

It reminded that during the whole summer vacationers continued to bathe on a beach in the Quarantine bay where the huge massif of the earth broke away from the coast. The police was compelled to organize there watch. It is expected that the landslide will descend during autumn storm. Rescuers do not decide to undermine it because of proximity of houses.

in the Summer of 2005 on a beach around Kachi as a result of a landslide the 16-year-old Russian was lost. In the summer of 2012 at a new landslide of victims it was succeeded to avoid thanks to hang glider riders who saw danger and warned vacationers. Landslides occurred and on other beaches of Sevastopol: near the cape Fiolent and natural boundary Laspi.

Source: sevastopol.su
